I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 177 Instant reversal

Chapter 177 Instant reversal
Sun Zhuoren stretched out his hand and showed everyone the burn on the back of his hand.

The host uttered an "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" point, she said she had asthma just now, she blamed me for not telling me to use real cigarettes in rehearsals, but in fact she was a young girl when she was a student, how could she not smoke!"

"I'm a sister, why don't I know!"

Su Qiao couldn't help interrupting Sun Zhuoren's words.

Seeing her speak so directly, the host suddenly felt a thump: Auntie, please stop talking!
After all, Sun Zhuoren was old and cunning, and when he saw Su Qiao run away, he was secretly delighted: "So that's why you acted as a lady in front of the camera? Speaking of which, you participated in the first video of a celebrity, and you played the role of a concubine..."

"When did the me in front of the camera equal the me in reality?"

Su Qiao interrupted Sun Zhuoren.

"A good actor can indeed make himself in front of the camera completely different from his real self." Sun Zhuoren began to mock, "But are you that good!"

He pointed to the screen: "You are so arrogant when beating people, and you don't have even the slightest respect for your senior colleagues! Is this you!"

"Respect is only given to those who are worthy of respect. What right do you have to be respected by me, an old pervert like you!"

Su Qiao confronted Sun Zhuoren on the spot.

Seeing her sudden domineering attitude, Sun Zhuoren couldn't help but be surprised: "I don't dare to say that she is both virtuous and talented, but at least she has a good character. How can you..."

Before the words fell, he heard the voices of men and women entanglement from behind. The audience in the audience were also shocked, and several female audience members had already covered their faces.

Sun Zhuoren turned around and saw the strange expression of the host: "Mr. Sun, you...how can you..."

Following his line of sight, Sun Zhuoren saw that the big screen that was broadcasting Su Qiao's beating video on a loop had been replaced by a man and a woman having an affair in a swimming pool!
The male protagonist is Sun Zhuoren, and there are two female protagonists, one is a young model and the other is a TV station worker.The audience off the court didn't know their identities, but they could tell at a glance that they were not Sun Zhuoren's wife and daughter!

"This is slander! It's not me! It's P's!"

Sun Zhuoren shouted in panic.

Su Qiao looked at him coldly: "You're not a popular star, how can there be so many footage for people to dig out to make a video! Besides, from the time I was framed by you to beat someone to the exposure of this cheating video, who can't do it for 10 minutes? My scissorhands are capable of this!"

"This... who knows if you prepared it in advance!"

Sun Zhuoren began to argue with his words.

Su Qiao sneered: "Are you very popular? Will exposure of your cheating make me rich and make headlines? This video is obviously God's will for you to suffer!"

"Su Qiao, don't think that the matter between you and Ou Zifan..."

Sun Zhuoren was furious, but the microphone and stage lighting happened to break down at this moment!
The whole live broadcast fell into darkness!

Everyone fell into a brief panic.

Su Qiao felt that a hand was grabbing her, so she slapped her without even thinking about it!

When the light came on, Sun Zhuoren, who was supposed to be at least one meter away from Su Qiao, was right in front of him, covering his swollen face.

Now, the truth is revealed!

At least in the eyes of the audience and those watching the live broadcast, there is no need to explain anymore.

In the background, Ou Qian was so angry that she took off her high heels and was about to hit someone. At this time, she received an anonymous text message on her mobile phone. When she opened it, it turned out to be...

At the front desk, the show is still going on, and because of these accidents, the ratings have reached a new high!There are also various discussions on Weibo.

At the end of the live broadcast, Su Qiao won by absolute popularity!

(End of this chapter)

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