Chapter 201

The first round of classic review is over, and next is the competition among the contestants.

The four women and one man who entered the top five gathered again to present an ethical short play: Surrogate Woman.The script is specified by the sponsor Yan's Group.

Su Qiao plays the heroine in this short play, a rural woman who decides to give the hero a surrogate because of her poor family.Ye Li is the wife, Zhang Meiyan is the person in charge of the surrogacy agency, commonly known as a pimp, and Yang Mengying is the protagonist's younger sister, a bitter and mean woman.

The only male contestant plays the male lead, because the family needs the rich third generation who had to marry a wife with a physical defect.

The script is very simple, it is a dinner called a party and actually an interview, but five points are required to be shown: the heroine's self-esteem and self-love and helplessness in reality; the wife's jealousy and arrogance and viciousness; Manager Kanke's cunning and pimping; Missy's jealousy of her wife and flattery of her brother.

Unfortunately, although the five requirements are simple, only Su Qiao has fully performed the requirements of the script, and the performance of the other three is remarkable because they are half-acted.The male protagonist is in the worst condition, neither has the taste of a domineering president, nor does he have a delicate and deep performance, and his lines are also emotionless.

However, because he was the only male to enter the finals, and he was already a well-known singer on the Internet before the competition, even if he performed embarrassingly in two consecutive rounds, his popularity and ratings were still second in the audience.

Finally, it was the third round that decided the outcome.

The third round tests the actors' on-site adaptability and interaction with fans.

The staff launched a five-meter-high prop city and told the five people that more than 30 professional actors were hidden in the prop city, staging ten different scripts.Five contestants enter through five entrances, and they have to act out whatever story they encounter. If they fail, they will be sprayed with red ink by these temporary examiners.Whoever has the most red ink on them loses.

"Supposing you are time travelers, if you travel through ancient and modern China and foreign countries in this castle, you may even meet aliens!"

The host created an atmosphere for everyone: "Today's immersive drama prop city is designed by Mr. Lingmi. It can only be staged on a small scale at present, but it can accommodate hundreds of people and stage [-] scripts at the same time in April next year. Those who are interested At that time, you can experience the feeling of being in it for yourself. Mr. Suzumi, remember to pay me the advertising fee."

The host spoke very easily, but the five of them were very nervous.

Immersive drama is the latest expression technique in the drama industry, and it is worthy of the name to make people fall into it with completely unpredictable performances.

However, for the five people who accepted the challenge, even if they were told in advance which ten scripts might be performed in it, it was still very challenging to immediately integrate within ten seconds after encountering them.

It tests the actor's adaptability, memory, and acting skills.

Because Su Qiao ranked first in points, she was ranked last to enter the item city.


After walking for 3 minutes, Su Qiao met a clown man wearing a hat.

"Alice, you finally appeared, Her Royal Highness is yelling!"

Matching this sentence is the scream of a woman behind the prop wall: "Chop off her head!"

Su Qiao immediately came to her senses, this is the script of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and she will be taken to see the Queen of Hearts.

According to the script, Su Qiao made a gesture of pulling up the skirt to salute the man playing the clown: "Please take me to the queen."

(End of this chapter)

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