I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 205 I Don't Need a Crown

Chapter 205 I Don't Need a Crown

Finally came the most tense and exciting moment of announcing the championship.

As usual, the host did not announce the result immediately, but asked No.2 and No.3 to sing a love song duet.

The two naturally accepted it with a smile, and sang "Will You Marry Me Tomorrow" in front of the scene. The real and fake love scenes made the fans cheer excitedly, but Zhang Meiyan and Yang Mengying looked resentful.

The love song duet ended, and the host came to the stage to announce the results of the off-site popularity vote.

Like every time in the past, Su Qiao is still the most popular outside the arena.

The host picked up the envelope, opened it mysteriously, took a look, and his face was a little stiff.The female partner standing beside him could even hear him muttering: How could this happen!
But this is a live broadcast after all, the host must announce the result no matter how confused he is!
"Now I announce that the winner of this year's star draft is—"

The lights swayed wildly with the sound, and soon settled on Su Qiao.

"Miss Zhang Meiyan! Congratulations, Miss Zhang!"

The unexpected result not only stunned Su Qiao's supporters, but even the lighting engineer was stunned. After a second of astonishment, he turned the lights on Zhang Meiyan.

Zhang Meiyan burst into tears with excitement, rushed to the host and hugged and kissed!
The unprepared host was overwhelmed by her E-cup.

Yang Mengying looked at Su Qiao who looked surprised, and teased in a low voice: "I didn't expect such a result! Heh! Heh!"

Su Qiao ignored her.

The staff presented crowns and flowers, and the guests also came on stage with smiles, ready to crown the champion.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Miyan accepted the crown with a smile.

Everything has been settled, the host walked up to Su Qiao and Yang Mengying who were not selected to comfort them, at this time——

He stopped suddenly, with obvious embarrassment across his face.

But in the end he returned to the center of the stage.

"I'm sorry, the award ceremony just now had an oolong...Miss Zhang Meiyan is not today's champion, the real champion is...Mo Qiaoqiao...Please--Miss Mo! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Worthy of being a gold medal host, the first half of the sentence was a sincere apology, and the second half was already a warm congratulations. Only in this way, Zhang Meiyan, who just wore the crown, would be so embarrassing.

In the audience, the audience was furious: "What's going on! You can even get the champion wrong!"

The host smiled and said, "It's the staff's oolong, an oolong..."

Zhang Meiyan also reacted at this time, and walked to Su Qiao's side, ready to take off the crown.

But Su Qiao put her arms around her shoulders.

"I already have a crown," she said, pointing to the diamond headband on her head, "I will give you this championship crown!"

"You are..."

Before the words were finished, the congratulatory music played, the colored bars floated down from the sky, and the shutter flashed, creating a warm and harmonious scene.

The other three also stepped forward, making various co-patterned concave shapes.

The host, who survived the biggest crisis of his career without any risk, wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and scolded the staff member who took the wrong envelope ten thousand times in his heart.

They didn't know that outside the TV station building, a super long Lincoln was hidden in the dark, surrounded by special forces with live ammunition, and a man with an ice-like temperament was sitting inside the car.

The man was watching the live broadcast of the award ceremony. The desktop of the notebook was a photo taken by Su Qiao for a fashion magazine a few days ago. There was a counter on the desktop, and the date column showed [-].

After the awards were presented, the man closed the computer and said to the driver, "Let's go!"

"Yes, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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