Chapter 212 A full 3000

The street photography went well, and it was posted online that night.

Both fans liked and reposted these affectionate photos, mocking Zeng Jing for not following the right path since her debut, for being so hot and unscrupulous that she sucks blood from others all the year round.Some chicken blood fans even launched a lottery, and the prizes are Yi Xi's endorsement products, which are listed in five levels from the most expensive Earl watch to the cheapest chocolate.

Seeing that Zeng Jing's trending searches were gradually suppressed, Su Qiao prepared to take a shower and go to sleep.

However, just as she took out her pajamas, she received a call from Gao Yun.

"Zeng Jing and Xu Yang have terminated their contract," Gao Yun said, "I just received the news."


Su Qiao was stunned.

"She felt that in the era of online marketing, relying on trolls can rise, there is no need to continue to use agents, and unilaterally breached the contract and fired Xu Yang."

"...How could she do that!"

Su Qiao suspects that Zeng Jing took the wrong medicine.

"The problem is that she really did that," Gao Yun reminded Su Qiao. "Just now when Xu Yang called me, he said that this woman is not just a little bit stupid and self-willed but also loves to make trouble! Unfortunately, because of his professional ethics, even if he is called Zeng Jing was fired, so we have to keep it a secret."

"I understand, Sister Gao, please help me, thank you Brother Xu."

After finishing speaking, Su Qiao hung up the phone and climbed out of the bathtub.

At this time, Cheng Luo walked into the room drinking beer, holding a tablet in her hand: "Congratulations, you're on the hot list again. Although I don't think there is anything to be happy about!"

Su Qiao took the tablet in surprise.

The matter was very simple. Zeng Jing issued an official announcement announcing that she and her manager Xu Yang had terminated the contract because they were overwhelmed.

After the announcement, the fans felt distressed, and even pointed the finger at Yi Xi, thinking that Yi Xi took advantage of this incident and refused to admit it, and after the incident broke out, they put pressure on Zeng Jing through her agent to force her to change her mouth!
Su Qiao was also implicated and turned into a bitch who was covering for scumbags.

"It's really speechless! You are a dignified victim, and you actually—"

"They are fans, and it's not like you don't know how scary the fan filter is."

Just thinking about how to explain to Cheng Luo the distorted ecology of the fan circle, the mobile phone suddenly received a transfer notification with a huge amount.

"...A transfer error?"

At this time, Su Qiao received another blessing message: "Will Mo Qiaoqiao win the championship?" The lottery bonus has arrived, please press M to confirm, press N to unsubscribe, and dial 100xx to transfer to manual.

Su Qiao looked at Cheng Luo in confusion, "I... I... I... I'm rich!"

Cheng Luo was speechless: "How much is this! Look how excited you are!"

"That's tens of millions! A total of 3000 million!"

Even when she was the most popular in her previous life, she had to work hard for a whole year to have a net income of 3000 million!

Cheng Luo had no choice but to scroll through Weibo for a while, and asked, "What are you going to do about Bai Shuang? Her fans are going to eat you alive this time."

"But I have Sister Cheng! Sister Cheng goes out, one is worth a hundred!"

Su Qiao flattered Cheng Luo.

Cheng Luo was speechless: "I have a plan, how can I spend a lot of time with you and protect you."

"You can introduce me to a reliable bodyguard!" Su Qiao flattered her face, "Sister Cheng, do you have any friends who have retired from the special forces... like the king of urban soldiers, the king of special forces..."

"What are you thinking about!"

Su Qiao begged: "Sister Cheng, you are worried that I will be in danger, and you won't lend me someone who is powerful..."

"I have to worry about the Song family's face. The eldest lady of the Song family is full of anger now. If I come forward to protect you, the Song family will—"

"What is the origin of the Song family?"

(End of this chapter)

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