Chapter 221 Auditions
In her previous life, Su Qiao's reputation was greatly damaged by starring in a movie suspected of plagiarism, so she knew that the role given to her by the plagiarized movie was the best and most popular, but she still couldn't make a decision.

"Sister Cheng, if I become famous by playing this role..."

"The plagiarism is the original work, you are just an actor! Even if you really want to scold, you will scold the lead actor, director and screenwriter. Who would scold you for a small role?"


Cheng Luo's words made Su Qiao no longer entangled.

She is Mo Qiaoqiao, a newcomer in the entertainment industry, not Su Qiao, the actress.Even if this TV series is really put on the moral judgment seat because of plagiarism, the lead actor and director are the ones who are scolded. It is very good that she can be remembered by people with her name and face through the TV series. .

Su Qiao, who made up her mind to pay attention, immediately called the crew of "Shan Hai Jing" and made an appointment for an audition.


The matter of Zeng Jing is still fermenting.

In order to clarify that Zheng Da's death had nothing to do with her, Zeng Jing specially held a press conference, but was furious because a reporter asked whether the relationship with Yi Xi was a production hype, causing the entire reception to end in a hurry.The entertainment reporter who was rejected was not a cheap lamp, and when he turned around, there was a black text scolding Zeng Jing from beginning to end.

When Su Qiao came to the crew to audition for the play, it happened that Zeng Jing's incident had exploded the most. As one of the people involved, Su Qiao naturally received a large crowd of spectators.

While waiting for the audition outside the office for half an hour, at least nine groups of people passed by Su Qiao with excuses to peek at her, wanting to know what this woman who fell in love with Yi Xi and let Zeng Jing's fans break into her house and attack her looked like.

Su Qiao couldn't bear the way the zoo looked at animals. The fifth time someone deliberately walked by with an excuse to strike up a conversation, she finally couldn't help it.

"Whatever you want to ask and say, just say it directly, and you don't need to look at me secretly."

"This one……"

Instead, the female employee became embarrassed, and the colleague at the side took the initiative and asked Su Qiao: "Zeng Jing's fans said that you had plastic surgery, is it true?"

"This question, you only need to look at my mother's photo to have the answer."

Su Qiao took off her sunglasses and let them look at them casually.

The staff exclaimed: "It's really the same as the photos! I thought those photos of yours were all made by P!"

"If you count brightening the skin tone and weakening the pores as a P picture, then my photo is also P."

Su Qiao is very confident in her facial features.

"How is it possible! These are the most basic photo manipulation techniques."

The frank words greatly increased the staff's affection for Su Qiao, and many people even asked for Su Qiao's autograph on the spot.

Finally, it was Su Qiao's turn to audition.


Walking into the office, in front of her was a piece of paper with a few lines written on it.

"The character we are planning to assign to you is Xuanhu. This is Xuanhu's lines. You can read it."

The tone of the audition director is not friendly, she has a background, he can't mess with her, let alone delusional unspoken rules.

Su Qiao read the lines carefully, took a deep breath, and tears were brewing from the corners of her eyes.

" want to treat me like this! Does it mean that as long as I am a fox, no matter what I do is wrong!"

She covered her heart with her left hand, and held the script in her right hand. She didn't blink her eyes, but tears kept streaming down her face.

"Master, you said that the demon harms people, so you have to kill it! But the demon can also shed tears and be emotional! My love for him is deeper and heavier than your love for all living beings!"

"Bold monster, shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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