Chapter 232

"You're really bad at lying."

Gong Yueming sneered, and touched Su Qiao's lips with his finger: "People who know how to lie don't ask questions like this."


"Don't hide it anymore, who made the request to you? The director, or the leading actor? Or who is the investor?"

Gong Yueming's question was colder than ice.

Su Qiao refused to answer.

Although when Zhang Yue gave her the room card, she did think about going home and telling her husband.

"No answer? Why? I'm afraid I'll kill him!"

Gong Yueming's question was as sharp as a knife.

Su Qiao took a deep breath: "How do you ask me to answer things that haven't happened!"

"Okay, let's trust you for now."

Gong Yueming touched Su Qiao's hand: "When are you going to cut off the relationship with Ou Shi completely?"

"At least wait until the ad is officially launched!"

Su Qiao didn't want to do something like demolish the bridge.

"The advertisement has already been launched," Gong Yueming said, "and the effect is not bad. Even the old stubborn people in the base know that Yi Xi has a girlfriend nicknamed Chocolate Girl."

"...Is it released? Why don't I know?"

"You've been filming in closed mode on the set for the past month, so maybe you know what's going on outside!"

Gong Yueming said very unhappy, "I'll give you a week to leave Ou Shi! My patience is limited!"


"Don't act like a baby to me, in this matter, acting like a baby will only make me more unhappy!"

Gong Yueming's words became colder every sentence.

Su Qiao could only nod obsequiously and agree: "I understand, I will end my relationship with Ou Shi within a week..."

"The matter with Yixi must end!"

Gong Yueming spoke emphatically.

Su Qiao knew his level of jealousy, so how dare she say no.

After a series of promises, Su Qiao hooked Gong Yueming's neck: "Honey, can I go to sleep?"

"No, do exercise with me!"

The man smiled evilly, and immediately carried the woman who hadn't recovered from her senses into the room.

Su Qiao panicked: "I haven't showered yet! I smell bad!"

"After I'm done, I'll wash you inside and out! Or you wash with me, and then do it after washing?"

"I don't want both options... ah!"


The Silk Kiss Chocolate ad was very successful. Su Qiao saw a large section of her Weibo calling her a new fan of Chocolate Girl, and her number of fans also skyrocketed, although the total number was still less than a fraction of Yi Xi's.

Seeing this gratifying result, Su Qiao blushed with a smile.

When she came to Ou's Building, the front desk was already respectful to her. The girls waiting for the interview in the rest area rushed over to ask her for an autograph. Su Qiao coped with it calmly, passed through the crowd, and came to the 23rd floor. .

Ou Zifan was not there, and Yi Xi was playing games bored in the lounge.

Seeing Su Qiao, Yi Xi raised her head: "Why are you here?"


"No one in the crew made things difficult for you, right? I saw that Zeng Jing was also—"

"No, everyone is exhausted from filming every day, so there is no time for scheming."

Su Qiao sat across from Yi Xi with a guilty conscience: "Are you also looking for something to do with Zi Fan?"

"Well, my contract with Ou's will expire next month, and I want to discuss a new contract with Ou's."

"Zifan is a reasonable person, he should agree to your request."

Su Qiao looked into Yi Xi's eyes.

Yi Xi smiled: "If you don't agree, I'll quit and join Qiaojiaren Group."

"Are you going to Qiao Jiaren? But I heard that Qiao Jiaren is a company founded by two movie kings, are you sure they..."

(End of this chapter)

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