Chapter 239

In the underground garage, Mo Qiaoqiao was about to get into the car when she saw a familiar face.

"Second Miss, Madam asked me to pick you up for tea."

The driver said politely and opened the door.

Su Qiao took a deep breath: "Can I refuse?"

"No," the driver said with a smile, "Ma'am said, even if force is used, the second lady must be invited over!"

"you sure?"

Su Qiao reached into the bag and touched the anti-wolf stick.

"I dare not disobey Madam's wishes, Second Miss, please cooperate!"

Two women stepped out of the car, one left and one right came to Su Qiao's side, holding her up like a sandwich.

"Second Miss, can you deal with the three of us at the same time?"

When Su Qiao heard this, she realized that these two women were not simple, so she immediately gave up resisting, and said with a smile, "Isn't it just a cup of tea?"


Xia Feng asked her to meet at the headquarters of the Castle Club.

There is an event at the headquarters today. The grass is full of celebrities. On the stage made of birch wood, singers with common names on the best-selling list will sing for everyone.

When Su Qiao passed by, most of the celebrities just smiled and signaled: In their view, a little actress like Mo Qiaoqiao is just an actor, as long as she has money, she can play with her.

Su Qiao also smiled at them: In her opinion, these guys are just lambs in the hands of politicians, but they always feel arrogant and feel that they are manipulating everything.

The two looked at each other and walked all the way, Su Qiao was brought in front of Xia Feng.

The noble woman raised her delicate crystal nails and looked at Su Qiao contemptuously: "You are not as noble as I thought!"

"If I'm as noble as you think, what should I do?" Su Qiao asked back.

"You should die of noble starvation."

Xia Feng stood up and said to Su Qiao, "Come with me."

"Where to go?"


Xia Feng said in a very unhappy way, at this time a woman with a rather hypocritical temperament came over, and when she saw Su Qiao, a ambiguous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Isn't this the championship of the draft! When has the club's threshold been low? Can someone who is not related to enter?"

"As the secretary of the club, don't you have the right to bring an irrelevant person to participate in the event!"

Xia Feng is ashamed to admit her relationship with Mo Qiaoqiao.

The woman smiled: "In the final analysis, people from humble backgrounds will always command and communicate with lowly people. But men from the Ou family have always been kind."

"You - keep some morals in your words! Be careful, I will fire you!"

"Because I ran into the scene where you, Xia Feng, pimped someone?"

"... Gao Lan!"

Xia Feng's noble mask was broken, and she couldn't help but want to slap the other party.

At this moment, Su Qiao stepped forward and smiled slightly at Gao Lan: "Madam Gao, I'm an actress, but you, Madam Gao... If I remember correctly, your grandfather is also an upstart! It's better to rely on fighting A successful nouveau riche!"

"Haha, Gao Lan, it turns out that you are from a family of tomb robbers. No wonder you had such good eyesight when you went to the auction to find goods last time!"

Xia Feng immediately regained face.

Gao Lan was exposed as a famous family, and her face turned black.

She glared at Su Qiao fiercely: "Sooner or later, I want you to look good!"

Su Qiao smiled: "I know I'm pretty, so I don't need you to remind me."

Gao Lan left on her high heels.

Xia Feng looked at Su Qiao meanly: "Don't think that I will forget the shame you and your mother brought to the Ou family by helping me save face today! After all, today's shame is still caused by you! "

"If she hadn't insulted her mother, how could I save face for you, Aunt Xia!"

Su Qiao smiled sweetly, but there was a knife in her smile.

(End of this chapter)

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