I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 245 Time Is Feed for Pigs

Chapter 245 Time Is Feed for Pigs

Su Qiao suddenly realized that this "takeaway" was not the "takeaway" in the conventional sense.

"Of course," the manager added, "some people like to commute to and from get off work at normal times. Director He believes that as long as he can deliver an idea that satisfies him, whether it's working at home, lying in the toilet or even creating in the morgue, it's all personal. free."

"As expected of He Sheng, what a great idea!"

Su Qiao applauded softly, for fear of shocking the elites of the creative department who were creating (sleeping) and creating (sleeping) in the office.

At this time, a stained glass door facing the main door suddenly opened, and a man with hair like a chicken coop walked out.

He obviously hasn't washed and washed for a long time, and his whole body is surrounded by a decadent aura that he will die in a second. The crystal slippers on the table also exude the smell of ten yuan and three pairs of roadside stalls.

Su Qiao was stunned.

She looked at the manager in horror, for fear that he would tell herself that this good-for-nothing uncle is the head of the creative department, the younger brother of actor He Zai, and the talented Oscar-winning He Sheng!

The He Sheng in my memory was a handsome man who amazed the audience!

The manager didn't speak, but a man lying on the ground suddenly raised his head: "Boss He, can you go in and wash your face and change your clothes? There are beautiful women here."

When He Sheng heard this, he rubbed his eyes that were swollen like goldfish bubbles: "Ah! I'm sorry! Wait for me for 10 minutes!"

He then returned to his office and closed the door.

After a sound of ding ding dong dong and ticking, the stained glass door opened again, and what appeared in front of everyone was a handsome mature man with a well-dressed and extraordinary temperament who was about to walk the red carpet in the next second!
The man walked up to Su Qiao and adjusted his latest tortoiseshell glasses: "Hi, I'm He Sheng, what's your name?"

"My surname is Mo, Mo Qiaoqiao..."

Su Qiao was still immersed in the shock of "time is the feed of pigs", and was at a loss.

"It turns out that you are Mo Qiaoqiao, you really are a beautiful woman just like your name."

He Sheng said, and invited Su Qiao and the manager into the small office.


What greeted them was the clean space unique to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

All items are organized by category, color, and size. There is no extra paper on the floor, and no messy colors on the wall. The man proves that he is an out-and-out place with an obsessive compulsive disorder. Female!
He Sheng signaled Su Qiao to sit down: "Do you feel a little depressed?"

Su Qiao sat on the sofa and said in a low voice, "It's too clean, I'm worried that if I accidentally knock over things, will it be..."

"This is what I want! It's so clean that it's unreal in the future!"

He Sheng screamed, "This way we can match the feeling of Kumbu Town!"

While talking, he walked around the office.

"Where is Kumbu Town?" Su Qiao took the opportunity to ask the manager in a low voice.

The manager said: "Kumbu Town is the name of Director He's latest project."

"Oh! Got it!"

Su Qiao nodded.

At this moment, He Sheng was already excited, and returned to the sofa: "Is there anything Miss Mo wants from me?"

"This one……"

"It's like this," the manager said, "the company plans to make a three-episode web drama with a female theme. Ms. Mo is scheduled to be the heroine of the first part. The setting is that one leg was amputated after dreaming of becoming a fashion designer." The husband drags down the unfortunate woman who can only work during the day and work late at night to draw design drafts."

"Sounds interesting," He Sheng touched the corner of his mouth, "What happened next?"

(End of this chapter)

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