I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 247 Meeting the Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 247 Meeting the Ex-Girlfriend

Su Qiao widened her eyes.
The entire crew is from the film industry, from director to lighting to handyman, and the actors are all capable in the industry. There are also [-] international models in particular!
"This... this... this lineup is too much!"

"Your husband has never been short of money."

But Su Qiao looked at the list and still felt unreal: "I just want to climb up step by step, but you..."

"Then we cancel the plan?"

Su Qiao hastily stopped her: "Don't...no...happiness came too suddenly, I feel like I'm dreaming...too unreal..."

"You are not dreaming," Cheng Luo said, "The group exists because of you."

"But I... I can really... By the way, haven't Yingdi Yang and Yingdi He already sworn not to have any contact with each other until death? How did you persuade them?"

Su Qiao is still full of curiosity about this matter.

Cheng Luo said: "They are able to become film kings, so they are naturally the best of the best. For the best of them, promises are used to betray."

"But I still can't think of..."

"Don't forget, capital serves power, and all entertainment businesses serve capital."

After speaking, Cheng Luo left.

Su Qiao looked at the scenery outside the fiftieth floor, feeling a little dizzy.

Is this the taste of being too cold at a high place?

Although she is already an artist of Qiaojiaren, Su Qiao still used Ou's name when she came out of the weekend's charity donation.

When passing by the sign-in area, Zhang Keren brought Yang Mengying in front of her: "Are you Yi Xi's rumored girlfriend?"

"Miss Zhang, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Keren touched the pear-shaped diamond earrings worth millions: "It's nothing, I just feel sorry for you. After cooperating with Ou Shi's hype for so long, I don't even have a decent outfit."

"Are you sure he and I are hype?" Su Qiao asked back, "Not everyone is like you, let the old man not accompany the talented."

"What did you say! Who allowed you to—"

Zhang Keren was very angry. The matter of He Sheng was the biggest thorn in her heart. She thought that she had got rid of her incompetent otaku photographer boyfriend and tied her up with a golden turtle. younger brother!

"Miss Zhang, do you really never feel ashamed of your virtue?"

Su Qiao glanced at her proudly, and was about to enter the venue.

Zhang Keren chopped his foot hard, and chased after him: "Mo Qiaoqiao, please explain clearly to me!"


Su Qiao looked behind with a bright smile: "The Lord is here, explain to him!"

Zhang Keren turned around and saw He Sheng!
Today, he has meticulous hair, a handsome face like a sculpture, and a well-proportioned figure, wearing a white casual suit to look like a catwalk.

The talented and beautiful man passed the red carpet and murdered countless films.

Reporters rushed over, scrambling to ask what was going on.

As a veteran of Jianghu, He Sheng can handle it with ease.

Someone saw Zhang Keren nearby, so he hurriedly asked He Sheng: "Mr. He, will you take a photo with Ms. Zhang later?"

"Miss Zhang doesn't mind, of course I don't mind."

After speaking, he walked to Su Qiao's side: "Can I take a photo with you?"

"My pleasure."

Su Qiao smiled and took a photo with him.

Zhang Ke was trembling with anger, deliberately passed by Su Qiao and He Sheng who were taking a group photo, and whispered: "The newcomer is only a hundred-day red, you are not as good as me after all!"

Su Qiao just smiled, and then wrote her name on the signature board.

He Sheng also wrote his name next to her name.

Afterwards, the two walked into the venue together.

(End of this chapter)

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