I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 267 Meng Guoshi

Chapter 267 Meng Guoshi


Su Qiao was a little surprised, such an expensive bracelet was for his fiancée?

"The rule of the palace is that when we get engaged, the elders give the fiancée a gold-encrusted white jade bracelet, which is embedded with the biographies of the women, implying a golden and jade marriage, and the chastity of the strong women. After the formal marriage, they give the pure white jade bracelet, implying the flawless white jade."

Gong Yueming touched Su Qiao's hand, his expression was ugly.

Su Qiao was very strange: "Why do you have to give a golden and jade bracelet when you get engaged?"

"Give a golden and jade bracelet when you are engaged, to warn the woman that she is engaged in the marriage, and be cautious in her words and deeds. After marriage, give a white jade bracelet, which is to ask the woman to remember her identity as a wife and strictly observe her chastity."

"I didn't expect a bracelet to be so exquisite."

Su Qiao only felt that whether it was the golden jade bracelet or the white jade flawless bracelet, they were both very precious, worth at least millions of dollars!

"But by doing this, she clearly does not recognize your identity," Gong Yueming grabbed Su Qiao's hand, "Come on, let's go—"

"No, it's normal for them to treat me like this! I... I'm just a..."

Su Qiao didn't think it was unacceptable for the Gong family to target her.

"But it's about my face!"

With a domineering attitude, Gong Yueming dragged Su Qiao through the hall and into the garden.


The western-style garden covering an area of ​​over [-] square meters is lush and green, which is very wonderful.

In the middle of the green shade, in the white gazebo, the old lady Gong in a black velvet dress was having a happy conversation with a man in a misty rain green gown.

Gong Yueming pulled Su Qiao out of the pavilion, and said to the old lady, "Old woman, what do you mean!"

"Yue Ming, don't be rude in front of Master Meng!"

The old lady reprimanded her seriously, but her attitude towards the man in the misty rain green gown beside her was modest: "Master Meng, Yue Ming was spoiled by the family, and everything he said and did-"

"It's okay, young people should have the murderous spirit of young people."

The middle-aged man turned around, his amber eyes glanced over Gong Yueming, and landed on Su Qiao: "This is—"

"Mo Qiaoqiao, a Yue Ming woman, looks pretty good, but unfortunately her family background is not very good."

Obviously, the old lady was very dissatisfied with Su Qiao.

The middle-aged man showed a meaningful smile.

He walked up to Gong Yueming and patted him on the shoulder: "You, Ziwei, have suffered nine catastrophes. If you can get through it safely, it must be priceless!"

"Thanks for the review!"

Gong Yueming has never had a good impression of the magic stick, and he only talked to him purely to save face for the old lady.

Afterwards, Meng Guoshi walked up to Su Qiao and smiled slightly: "Why are you still alive?"

Su Qiao was surprised: "Dare to ask the national teacher, what does this mean!"

The old lady also asked: "Master, is there anything strange about her fate?"

"Her fate is not only weird, it has jumped out of the five elements."

The national teacher took off the ring and put it in Su Qiao's palm: "Look at the gem, and tell me, what did you see?"

Under the lure of hypnosis, Su Qiao lowered her head and looked at the ring.

There is a violet opal inlaid on the face of the ring, which is extraordinarily mysterious and enchanting under the sunlight.

Young Master Yu!
Gongzi Yu's eyes are also purple!
Frightened, Su Qiao's palm became weak, and the ring fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!

The old lady hurriedly apologized: "My lord, the girl is not well-bred... Please..."

Meng Guoshi looked into Su Qiao's eyes: "Tell me, what did you see in the ring?"

Su Qiao shook her head: "Nothing!"

"Really nothing?"

Meng Guoshi's smile was full of mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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