I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 269 Why Are You Still Not Going!

Chapter 269 Why Are You Still Not Going!

The whole family of Gong didn't wait to see Su Qiao.

Even if they were accompanied by Gong Yueming, they just smiled at Su Qiao politely, and immediately wiped off with a wet tissue after shaking hands. Knowing that she didn't understand military and scientific research related matters, they kept talking in front of her, Su Qiao couldn't find a chance to blend into the topic.

Gong Yueming was angry.

"Today is a family banquet, so can't we talk about some trivial matters in life! I've never seen you guys be so serious in meetings!"

"Because it's a family banquet, you have to show your strength, and you can't let outsiders look down on the Gong family."

The old lady came and looked at Su Qiao contemptuously: "Why haven't you left yet?"

"I want to leave, but my husband won't let me."

At this time, Su Qiao also lost her heart to be friends with them, and her attitude was very arrogant.

The old lady couldn't see her arrogance, and said sharply: "How courageous!"

Su Qiao said: "The visitor is a guest, but old lady, do you have the least courtesy to me?"

"With your attitude, what kindness can you expect!"

The old lady patted the table, implying that the butler invited Su Qiao out.

Su Qiao smiled: "I also thought the air here was not very good."

Gong Yueming walked to her side: "Let's go together."

At this time, there was another sound outside, and a person that Su Qiao could never have dreamed of walked into the banquet hall.


On the screen, she is a shrewd and capable woman, but when she appears in the palace hall, she is a little woman whom I still feel pity for.

Wearing a pearl-colored dress, with her hair tied low as always, revealing her simple earrings, the woman passed through the crowd and walked up to the old lady: "Old Ancestor! Sissy is late."

"Sissy, I'm very happy that you can come, how can I blame you for coming late!"

The old lady said happily, and hugged and kissed Susie on the cheek.

Afterwards, she pointed to the palace family and said to Su Xi: "Anyone who doesn't have a female companion is unmarried. If you like anyone, just tell me! Grandma will make the decision for you."


Su Qiao was confused.

Seeing that Su Qiao hadn't left yet, the old lady snorted coldly: "Didn't you think the air here is not good! Why don't you leave!"

Su Qian also saw Su Qiao: "Who are you?"

"Mo Qiaoqiao, a contract artist of Qiaojiaren Group, and the hidden wife of Major General Gong," Su Qiao said proudly, "Su Dong, long time no see, please take care of me in the future."

"It turns out that Major General Gong established the Qiaojiaren Group for you..."

Susie had the look of a toothache patient on Susie's face.

Su Qiao was made very uncomfortable by her ambiguity, and was about to ask again when Gong Yueming dragged her out of the hall.

Su Qiao didn't understand why he was so angry all of a sudden, and she was curious about Su Qian's appearance, so she said to Gong Yueming, "Isn't Su Qian Su Qiao's younger sister? Why did she suddenly become a relative of the old lady? See what the old lady meant, She is also very pampered..."

"The old woman is the continuation of my grandfather," Gong Yueming said. "There was a man who lost his wife in middle age. When he was out on a mission, he rescued a female college student who was involved in a car accident while sketching in the field. When the female student stayed in the military hospital for treatment Falling in love with her savior, the man married the female student after receiving the unanimous blessing of his sons."

"But what does that have to do with Susie..."

"Su Qian and Su Qiao's grandfather, Su Zhiwen, has a younger sister named Su Zhiya. Su Zhiya is the old lady's college best friend. When the car accident happened, they were on the same bus. Su Zhiya was on top of the old lady. Only then did she survive to be rescued, but Su Zhiya... died on the spot..."

(End of this chapter)

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