I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 271 Confronting My Sister From A Past Life

Chapter 271 Confronting My Sister From A Past Life

There are more than one guards from the Gong family in the garden!
At this time, the gray-haired woman came to the side again and said to Song Rong'er: "Do you know where you lost? The body is the most primitive weapon of a woman, and it is also the most effective weapon."

"you sure?"

"Then how do you explain a good man obsessing over a little girl with no redeeming qualities?"

Song Rong'er was silent.

The woman continued to bewitch her: "But you should be glad that she tied Major General Gong with her body. The love gained because of her body will naturally be lost because of her body."

"What do you mean?"

Song Ronger felt uneasy.

The woman said word by word: "She is not the only woman in the world who can make a man obsessed. As long as you let go of your reserve, you will soon make him..."

"Impossible! I'm not that kind of woman! I'm not going to learn that lowly thing for the sake of my breath!"

Song Ronger refused decisively.

The woman smiled and said, "Sure enough, Miss Song, you have a big misunderstanding about the relationship between men and women..."

Seeing the dark green light flashing in the woman's eyes, Song Rong'er couldn't help being startled, and asked sharply, "Who the hell are you!"

"Friends of the national teacher, people who look down on Mo Qiaoqiao just like you."

The woman shook out a small gold bag and put it in Song Rong'er's hand.

"What is this?"

The woman said: "Things that make Mo Qiaoqiao unable to continue seducing Major General Gong."

"Why help me? What kind of grievance do you have with her?"

Song Rong'er didn't believe that there was nothing falling from the sky, let alone this woman's evil spirit.

The woman smiled: "I am a friend of the National Teacher, if you don't believe me, don't you believe in the National Teacher?"


After the leg cramps were resolved, Susie came to the door.

She came from a distance, and said slowly: "Miss Mo, Major General Gong, can I take a step to speak?"

"What's the matter with us?"

The betrayal in her previous life made Su Qiao feel cold towards Su Xi.

Susie glanced at Gong Yueming and said, "Hua Xing wants to cooperate with Pretty Woman to make a suspense film called "Portrait of Snow White"."

"Today is a family dinner, not about work."

Gong Yueming lightly rejected Su Qian.

Su Qian looked into Su Qiao's eyes: "Miss Mo, your eyes remind me of someone."

"Who do you remember?"

"My sister, Su Qiao," Su Qian said, "You two look completely different, but every time I see you, even if I only see your picture, I feel... inexplicably familiar!"

"Miss Su really has a deep sisterly love. She has reached the state of thinking about it every day and dreaming at night. I suggest you make an appointment with a psychiatrist after you go back. If you continue like this, you will easily suffer from neuroses and hallucinations."

Gong Yueming made a rescue for Su Qiao.

Susie was relentless.

She said: "No, it's not a hallucination, I... really feel the smell of my sister from Miss Mo..."

"Maybe it's because—"

""Snow White's Portrait" is a film project that started preparations in March last year. My sister was originally scheduled to be the heroine. But she suddenly disappeared. We couldn't find someone to replace her, so we had to temporarily put the project on hold...until today Meet you……"

"Then I can't accept it even more! I'm not the Queen of the Soviet Union, and if I acted in "A Portrait of Snow White" instead of her, I would only—"

"No, you are more suitable for this role than my sister a year ago...Your eyes have a story in them, but you have a face as pure as white paper...What a rare talent..."

(End of this chapter)

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