I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 281 Talent is not important, what is important is...

Chapter 281 Talent is not important, what is important is...

"The subsequent development is what everyone saw. Su Qiao disappeared, and Su Xi revealed the balance of 20 billion on the book, and all questions were dismissed."

When saying these words, He Sheng's expression was very tired.

Su Qiao clenched her aching index finger: "You don't think Su Qiao is doing it for—"

"It's just a guess," He Sheng said, "It's impossible for the Su Qiao I know to sell herself for a mere two billion!"

"But you and Su Qiao have only cooperated twice. How can you be sure that the Su Qiao you know is the real Su Qiao?"

Su Qiao herself didn't know why she yelled out these words, He Sheng's words made her feel uncomfortable like a barb all over her body.

"The Su Qiao I know is not the real Su Qiao, but the Su Qiao you know is the real Su Qiao?"

He Sheng asked back, the corners of his eyes were blood red.

Su Qiao was frightened by him.

He Sheng also realized his gaffe, turned his head, looked at the night outside the car window, and said: "... When Zhang Keren signed the contract with Huan Mu, someone asked me, when Zhang Keren cheated on you, what did you do?" Why not angry. I didn't answer this question, because I... I like her in the camera, but in reality, I don't like her at all... But Su Qiao is different... When I see her, I see To the light...the sparkle...for a split second I couldn't see anyone but her in my eyes, she was shining, sparkling...'

"So, when Zhang Keren betrayed me, I felt very relaxed. When Su Qiao was surrounded and chased by the media, I felt as painful as if someone had dug out my heart..."

Speaking of this, He Sheng sighed: "It's funny, I'm actually a coward who has a crush on him and dare not confess."

"No," Su Qiao said, "You are not a coward, you are very brave. Today is all thanks to you for saving me."

"The boss entrusted you to me, of course I will be responsible to you to the end!"

He Sheng leaned on the car seat: "Susie, how much did the boss promise to give her?"

"Why do you think I got into the film crew by stuffing money?"

Su Qiao was very uncomfortable.

He Sheng said: "Could it be that you got into the crew by acting? I believe in your ability, but the Huaxing people—"

"That's right, the Huaxing people promised to give me the protagonist of "The Portrait of Snow White" without even meeting me... I don't even believe that there is no PY deal behind it."

Su Qiao understands very well that in this world, you can't climb as high as you have skills. It doesn't matter if you have skills, so many people will be buried forever in the end!

After that, the two were silent.


Back at the apartment, Su Qiao took off her shoes and was about to take off her makeup when she suddenly saw a dark shadow sitting in the living room.

She turned on the light quickly, but her hands were too heavy to lift.

"You are really good at hiding, but unfortunately I still found you."

When the cold voice sounded, Su Qiao was so frightened that her heart stopped beating.

She took out the pistol from her bag and pointed it at the black shadow on the sofa: "Stop playing tricks! Watch out for me to shoot!"

"You know guns don't work on me."

Hei Ying said coldly, Su Qiao couldn't bear it anymore!

"shut up!"

After three shots, the cotton wool flew around, and the weak Su Qiao supported the shoe cabinet and turned on the light.

The hall was empty.

The figure on the sofa is made of pillows, the torso is covered with pajamas, and the head is wearing a clown mask.

Under the pillow, an ominous red light flashed from the stopped voice recorder.

Su Qiao knelt down.

She's hit!

The other party was not sure about her identity at first, but now——

Now after the shooting...

(End of this chapter)

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