I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 283 Her Past Life

Chapter 283 Her Past Life
"On the way back, He Sheng told me something about Su Qiao. I thought... I want to know how much trouble Su Qiao had to deal with back then, and how much trouble Su Qiao had to deal with, so that she was forced to disappear?"

"What she's talking about is about stepping on the bottom line of the public." Gong Yueming said in a good voice, "The Flower Bud Foundation is suspected of money laundering. Of course, money laundering is not a big problem for me. The problem is that the foundation is suspected of An overseas reactionary organization launders money!"


Su Qiao was terrified.

She never knew that Susie had lied to her so much!

"Su Qiao is just an actress, how can she have such great ability... and participate in such a high-end..."

"I also believe that she was not involved, so after she disappeared, I asked my friends to cancel all the responsibilities related to her. But the investigation of the foundation is still going on, such as Susie—if she is not an old lady The descendants of my best friend are already in prison!"

Obviously, Gong Yueming didn't like Su Qian, but he had slight sympathy for Su Qiao.

"Honey, do you like Su Qiao?"

Su Qiao asked carefully, always feeling that there was something wrong with the words.

Gong Yueming shook his head and said: "I can't say I like her, but I just think she is very pitiful. Not only her admirers worship her beauty devoutly, but at the same time they try to destroy her in various delusion... even the people around her The closest people only want to trade her for more benefits... But if she doesn't enter the entertainment circle, she will only live a miserable life."


Su Qiao was a little depressed.

Gong Yueming hugged her and said in a low voice: "It's a kind of sadness that beauty is out of my control."

"What about me? Am I sad?"

Su Qiao asked Gong Yueming, the man's words made her feel sore: If I could meet him in the previous life, would it be—

"When you meet me, it will no longer be sorrow."


Su Qiao pretended to be angry, and Gong Yueming avoided her cooperatively.


After the sampling was completed, Gong Yueming's people left.

Gong Yueming stayed and let Su Qiao sleep on her shoulder.

Su Qiao leaned against him, closed her eyes, but couldn't fall asleep.

The memory went back to ten years ago.

At that time, she was just a newcomer who had just been discovered by scouts in a coffee shop. She didn't know anything, she didn't know anything, she got up early every day to practice and study, and dreamed of debuting on stage early, becoming famous and earning money, and paying off the loan sharks.

The moon that day was a dark blue color.

When it was close to eleven o'clock, the teacher knocked on the door suddenly and called her out who was about to go to bed, changed her into a white skirt, and pushed her into a large and empty room.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and by the moonlight, I saw a tall man standing in front of the window.

She was a little scared, she wanted to speak, but before she opened her mouth, someone held her down, and after that... only pain and humiliation remained.

It was a long time after what happened that night that she knew who Young Master Yu was.

Her birthday horoscope just met Gongzi Yu's request, so she was given as a tribute by the boss of the company to warm the bed of Gongzi Yu who passed by City A, but who would have thought...

It was this accident that completely turned her life upside down!
Because of a reason that is still unknown to this day, the ruthless man became obsessed with her.

He designed a game of conquest in the most luxurious and grand form in the world, allowing her to go straight up to the top of the world in the game, and then fall down from the clouds at the most glorious time, becoming a princess in a golden birdcage...

He said, do you know how lucky it is to be liked by me?

She just wanted to beg him to let her go...

(End of this chapter)

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