I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 286 Princess Game

Chapter 286 Princess Game (2)

The second one to pick apples was Ye Li.

Ye Li is a veteran of variety shows. After picking the apples, she easily completed the task of kissing the man through the apples.

At this time, it was Su Qiao's turn.

Su Qiao glanced at her partner wearing the beast hood: "Shall I kiss my partner through the hood?"

"If it is a real princess, it will definitely turn the beast into a prince."

The host easily resolved Su Qiao's question.

Su Qiao then pointed to the No. [-] apple.

The host asked Su Qiao and the Beast Prince to walk under apple No. [-]: "Please start eating apples!"

Su Qiao looked at the prince's animal headgear, and felt a little speechless.

But before she could show her dislike on her face, the Beast Prince had already grabbed Su Qiao's waist first, and then——

Bite the apple, and forcefully push the apple into Su Qiao's mouth!
Through the beast hood, Su Qiao saw the thing that frightened her the most!
Violet eyes!
--It's him!
Su Qiao was terrified, but the host added at this moment: "It seems that the poisonous apple has been found. Poor Princess Belle, you have to rest."

Su Qiao was so frightened that her legs were weak at this time, she didn't hear the host's words at all, she instinctively grabbed the beast's shoulder and wanted to stand up, but the beast prince took the opportunity to hug her waist and walked off the stage.

The host said cooperatively: "It really is Prince Beast, the most powerful and strongest prince! I believe that Princess Belle, who is with Prince Beast, lives happily every day!"


Backstage, Su Qiao had recovered.

She struggled hard and said, "It's not in front of the stage anymore, can you put me down?"

So, the Beast Prince let Su Qiao go.

Su Qiao looked at the violet eyes in the hood: "You can take off the hood now."

Prince Beast also felt that the headgear was stuffy and uncomfortable, so he decisively took off the headgear, revealing his handsome face!

Zong Hai!

Su Qiao was shocked.

"How could it be you! Your eyes—"

Zong Hai took off his contact lenses angrily, and said, "Why, you're disappointed that it's not Yi Xi under the hood?"

"No, I... I just didn't expect you to participate in a variety show and wear a hood..."

Su Qiao was in a complicated mood.

Zong Hai said with overconfidence: "Because I want to know, when I take off the hood, will you be so surprised that your heart will stop!"

"It's really surprising, but it's not sexy at all."

Su Qiao hates men who are ignorant and overconfident.

"What kind of man do you need to surprise you?" Zong Hai asked back, "How is Yi Xi better than me? Is it worth your desperation?"

"He is better than you in everything. In my eyes, he is the best."

Su Qiao hates Zong Hai's face. Although his face is very handsome, it always makes her feel waxed and unreal.

"Good, good, good!"

Zong Hai was very unhappy.

Su Qiao rubbed her throbbing calf and said, "Have you figured out how to pass the next level!"

"You don't want to see me anymore, why do you still want to pass the test with me?"

Zong Hai spoke in a dark tone.

Su Qiao said: "In the program group, we are partners. Although if we fight, the audience will be happier. To add, I am now Yixi's rumored girlfriend, and the audience will only treat me more when they see us two. How nice."

Zong Hai's face was slightly ferocious.

"You're calculating!" he said.

Su Qiao said: "It's not as good as if you cut me first and played later, tricking me into participating in a variety show."

(End of this chapter)

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