I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 289 Princess Game

Chapter 289 Princess Game (5)

The host announces the start of the game.

Zeng Jing, who had already lost face twice in a row, was the first to ask, "Who's bust is [-]D!"

As soon as the words fell, a man immediately walked to the screen opposite her: "My princess, I am your prince."

Through the screen, Zeng Jing couldn't hear her voice very clearly, but she had already asked the question, so she could only bite the bullet and choose the prince.

Afterwards, Zhang Keren asked questions.

She and her partner have participated in variety shows many times, and they have reached the point where they have a tacit understanding. As soon as the question is asked, she immediately confirms that the person who answered is not her prince.

She picked the one next to the one who answered the question.

Now, it's Su Qiao's turn.

Through the choices made by Zeng Jing and Zhang Keren, she had confirmed that Zong Hai hadn't spoken yet, so she coughed and said, "Prince, prince, where are my roses!"

Zong Hai frowned, why didn't this woman play the cards according to the rules!
Just as she was about to answer "My princess, I am your prince", another person has already reached out and rushed to answer!

Su Qiao walked up to the person who answered, and said, "I'm sorry, he is the real one."

Afterwards, after the selection of the prince, the host removed the screen.

Su Qiao played the role of the prince of Rapunzel this time, and when she saw Zong Hai dressed as Snow White, she smiled and said, "It seems that we have a good understanding!"

Zong Haipi smiled bluntly: "After all, they are partners, aren't they?"

The host congratulated and said, "It turns out that you are—"

"I have a boyfriend!" Su Qiao interrupted the host.

Zong Hai smiled ambiguously at the camera: "I don't have a girlfriend for now."

The host laughed dryly: "It seems that our program may lead to a bad relationship!"

"Ha ha!"

The other eight guests showed dry smiles.


The four rounds of the game are over, and it is finally time to enter the hidden plot.

The host took the lead on the stage and said: "Today's princess is also crazy. There is a hidden plot in the game, that is, the real princess! Only one of the five princesses is a real princess, and she can wear the crown of the princess! Determine the power of the real princess. In the hands of the five princes! Next, five princes will be invited to play!"

The five male guests who put on regular clothes appeared on the stage, and their handsome appearance attracted bursts of exclamation.

The host said to them: "In the four games just now, the five princes and princesses had enough exchanges, and they also had enough judgments in their hearts about who is the real princess and who is the fake princess! Now let's start the real and fake princess competition." vote!"

After finishing speaking, five notes and five pens were presented in etiquette.

"The names of five princesses are printed on each piece of paper, please our prince tick the names of the real princesses!"

The host said excitedly, and asked the director to turn the camera to the five female guests in the background.

The hostess stepped forward at the right time to interview the female guest: "Can you find out beforehand? Which of the five of you is the real princess and who is—"

Su Qiao smiled and said, "It's boring to announce the results in advance."

Ye Li also smiled and said, "A princess will always be a princess. Anyone with eyes can tell at a glance, can't they?"

Jin Nalu looked at Zeng Jing provocatively: "Anyway, I'm sure Zeng Jing is not a real princess!"

Zeng Jing stepped on her foot.

Zhang Keren touched Keren's face: "I have always been my husband's princess, it doesn't matter whether I can be the prince's princess or not."

"Then, it seems that the five princesses are very confident in themselves!"

The hostess easily completed the backstage interview and returned the camera to the front desk.

(End of this chapter)

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