I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 291 The Red Diamond Hairpin He Gave Her

Chapter 291 The Red Diamond Hairpin He Gave Her

The program was recorded and broadcast, so although the first filming effect was not ideal, after several reshoots, it still produced the effect of everyone applauding and welcoming Mo Qiaoqiao to the throne.

Amid the applause and support of everyone, Su Qiao stepped onto the throne and accepted the coronation.

Flowers and ribbons fell together, and her vision was brilliant, but she felt inexplicably dim before her eyes. She vaguely saw a man in an inappropriate white gown in the auditorium, standing up at the most glorious moment of the princess's coronation, and leaving the venue.

The feet trembled uncontrollably, and the hands trembled too.

...Young Master Yu...


After the coronation ceremony was over, Su Qiao went backstage, and with the help of the staff, she changed her clothes, removed her bun and makeup.

The long hair was loosened, and the clips that fixed the hair were removed. Looking at the familiar face gradually returning to the mirror, Su Qiao's heart was still uneasy.


"what is this?"

The hair stylist took a hairpin from Su Qiao's head and held it in front of her.

Su Qiao was stunned.

This is a platinum green-leaf safflower hairpin. On the branches and petiole receptacle made of platinum, emeralds are inlaid as leaves and precious red diamonds are inlaid as small flowers.

Red diamonds are the most precious diamonds in the world, every pigeon blood red diamond is priceless, what's more, this hairpin is inlaid with three top-level red diamonds that add up to one carat in weight!

"What a beautiful hairpin!" The hair stylist said intoxicatedly, "This hairpin costs tens of millions, right?"

"If it is genuine, 1000 million is only enough to buy the three diamonds above," Su Qiao said, "The price of top natural red diamonds is twice the square of ordinary diamonds. The price of 30 million per carat was already sold at auction 600 years ago, and now It has long been priceless, and you can’t buy it even if you want to.”

"Wow! Tell me, who is so generous, to give you such... so..."

Su Qiao accidentally made a slip of the tongue, so she had no choice but to hold on, saying, "This is a replica made of sterling silver peridot and garnet, and it only costs a few thousand. The real thing... It is said that there are three pieces in total, and one was bought by a jeweler." Private collection, one in the UAE royal family, the last one disappeared forever with the disappearance of Queen Su..."

"Sure enough, the person who owns it is the Queen Su."

Everyone talked enviously, although some people were curious why Mo Qiaoqiao knew so much about Su Qiao.

Su Qiao held the "imitation" red diamond hairpin, her mood fluctuated.


On the way back, Su Qiao held the hairpin tightly in her palm.

The diamond pierced her palm for a while, but Su Qiao couldn't feel it.

The memory returned to the darkness again, and those boundless pains made every cell in her body crack like pain.

Mr. Yu...

His desire for control and bloodlust are the most terrifying that Su Qiao has ever seen in this life.

He is a proud son, he was born with everything, and he can't tolerate any disobedience and disobedience.

He likes the feeling of being in control of everything. When he meets someone he likes but doesn't like him, he will try his best to break her bones one by one, so that she can only lie on the ground and look up to him.

He never thinks about the fate of falling out of favor with the person he likes.

When she likes it, she piles all the good things in the world under her feet, and lets her choose; when she gets bored, she throws her out mercilessly and grinds them into mud.

"I will never be caught by him!" Su Qiao said to herself in the car window, "I have never loved him, and I will never allow myself to kneel on the ground willingly to be his slave girl like those women."

(End of this chapter)

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