I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 293 The person Gong Yueming really loves is...

Chapter 293 The person Gong Yueming really loves is... (2)

"...Then why did you marry me!" Su Qiao asked back, "If you don't love me, why did you marry me again! Who am I to you! You despicable and shameless bastard!"

"Because I want to use you!"

Gong Yueming said mercilessly: "From the beginning to the end, you are just my tool, a tool for me to plot against my enemies, and also my nostalgia for the unfulfilled love! I have never loved you. Not at the beginning, not at all!"

His voice was very calm, but every word made Su Qiao feel chills down the spine.

The inexplicable weirdness that I often felt since the first meeting was explained at this moment!

turn out to be--

He really doesn't love Mo Qiaoqiao at all, that's why he can even remember Mo Qiaoqiao's birthday wrong!
All he likes is her face and some things she doesn't know yet!
The so-called "you are young so I won't let you get pregnant" is just—

Once you have a child, you can't help but love your house and your crow, and you will develop feelings for women, and when everything is over, you will not be able to be ruthless when cleaning up the garbage...

Rubbish... I'm just rubbish, a consumable!

All pampering is a lie, all love is a cover-up.

He never loved me, or rather, never loved Mo Qiaoqiao!

"...you never put me in the position of an equal husband and wife, so you always treat me with no love, just like the owner treats his cat..."

"So you're not as stupid as I thought."

Gong Yueming's words were filled with deep-seated sarcasm.

Su Qiao took a deep breath: "Can you tell me why? Is there anything about me that you miss? My face looks like your white moonlight, or is it that my background is of great use to you? You always have to take advantage of it. There's a reason, isn't there?"

She tried her best to look cheerful and at ease, even though her heart had already been broken into pieces.

"Utilization does not need a reason."

Gong Yueming said in a low voice, and picked Su Qiao's hair with his fingers. The soft feeling made his heart shake for a moment, but the next moment it turned into deep-seated hatred!

She is... that person's daughter!
"You don't look like her at all." The man said coldly, "But there is a beauty in not being like her. When I was with you before, I don't have to worry about being shaken by this completely unlike face. ...This may be the only reason why you can stay by my side..."

His fingers were like ice cubes, and his words were like sharp knives. The two forces intertwined, making her body goosebumps.

Su Qiao hugged her shoulder subconsciously: "Don't you think the air conditioner in the room is a bit too..."

"The constant temperature also makes you feel cold?"

She looked at the man mockingly: "Since my face is completely different from the one you really want to sleep on, why do you still sleep with me again and again? You are so hungry, you can be interested in women you don't want?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry!"

Su Qiao's words touched the fact that the man didn't want to admit the most, and the hand that was about to take off the button stopped.

"Have you ever really seen a hungry person?"

There was a coldness in his eyes that made Su Qiao tremble, and she had seen a similar light in Gongzi Yu's eyes before.

He was so frightened that he grabbed the ashtray behind him and threw it at the man, but her three-legged cat ability was no match for the man. As soon as he lifted the ashtray, Gong Yueming took the opportunity to grab his arm, and then tied his hands behind his back with a belt up.

"...let go!"

"Don't think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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