I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 396 You bastard

Chapter 396 You bastard (3)

("But my foot hurts...the ligament...strained...are you killing me!")
Su Qiao shouted in her heart.


The ice in the man's hand was placed on the wound!
Su Qiao was stunned!
The ice cubes slid slowly over the wound, and the ice water melted little by little and was absorbed by the skin. The pain in the ligaments began to ease, and Su Qiao's breathing also became smoother.

Seeing her suddenly gentle expression, Gong Yueming said: "I forgot to tell you, I used ice with vodka...Ice cubes can relieve pain, and alcohol can disinfect... But considering that the skin is sensitive to alcohol The absorption rate... Your current appearance is no different from that of a half-drunk..."

The man's voice was gradually blurred, and his consciousness was also blurred. The pain gradually disappeared under the dual control of alcohol and ice, but his forehead was abnormally hot.

She didn't know when the mouth ball was taken off, she leaned on Gong Yueming's body...

At least, this is what Ou Zifan saw when he arrived.

Ou Zifan stood at the door in a daze, watching them overlap and get intimate.He wished he could kill Gong Yueming immediately, and then possess his beauty next to Gong Yueming's corpse, but he couldn't do it, not only because of his ability, but also because of his psychology.


Gong Yueming put on his clothes and left the room.

Long Jiuzhong stood expressionlessly, and Ou Zifan was right behind him.

Long Jiuzhong looked at Gong Yueming and said, "Aren't you afraid of being punished by God for doing this?"

"I know, but I don't care!"

"Don't you care now?"

Long Jiuzhong laughed, and a shadow appeared behind Gong Yueming.

The shadow who only obeyed his orders stood behind Gong Yueming, with the long needle in his hand pressed against his throat.

Long Jiuzhong said: "In the field of killing, he is unmatched!"

"...Are you threatening me?"

The long needle pierced the skin, and blood flowed out.

Long Jiuzhong said: "No, just to give you a little warning. Gong Xinjie is the princess of the Gong family, and she cannot lose a hair! But Mo Qiaoqiao is also the princess of many people, and you can't hurt it if you want to! "

"Do you think I wronged her? Hurt her?"

Facing the sharp needle that could take his life at any time, Gong Yueming's attitude did not loosen at all.

He said to Long Jiuzhong: "If it weren't for me, she would have been killed by the Ou family long ago! Although I treat her badly and often force her to do things she doesn't want to do, my love for her is unparalleled ! No man can treat her better than me!"

"To shut up!"

Long Jiuzhong was very angry.

Ou Zifan was so angry that he wanted to rush in and slap Gong Yue a few times.

But they all held back.

Because the person they both cared about was standing at the door with one hand on the wall, his eyes were empty and helpless.

"So you think you are my benefactor, so I must obey your request unconditionally?"

She said painfully, and walked in front of Gong Yueming: "Yes, you have saved me from being like a stray dog, but you have taken away enough from me! My life was ruined because of you , Dignity has come to nothing!"

"So what! I'm not doing charity, so how could I give unilaterally without any reward! As far as the essence is concerned, I'm a blood-sucking conspirator. If I pay one yuan, I must get 1 yuan in return!"

Gong Yueming was very dissatisfied with Su Qiao's calculating attitude, but he didn't get angry immediately because of Long Jiuzhong's presence.

"I've given you enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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