I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 406 Little Ghost Backlash

Chapter 406 Little Ghost Backlash (1)

"Thank you for saving my life." Su Qiao said, "If you come late—"

"Don't worry, if you are really killed before I arrive, I will avenge you first, and then send all the people related to you down to accompany you."

The baby face was whizzing, and the eyes that suddenly darkened did not look like 15 years old, but 50 years old.

Su Qiao laughed dryly and said, "You're so cute."

"This is a special treatment for you!" Long Nan said, "You are a flower in the greenhouse, but you are as stunning and unforgettable as a rose in the desert."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said to Ou Zifan, "Forget it! You can't even protect the woman you like! You deserve a backup!"

Ou Zifan was speechless.


What happened on the highway was quickly buried.

Su Qiao, who returned to the Jinke Building, searched the Internet but found no relevant reports, and her heart sank.

She didn't know who suppressed this matter, but she was certain that her opponent was very powerful and terrifying!She will live under the shadow of this power for a long time!Until it is completely pulled out!

Her insecurity fell into Long Nan's eyes. Seeing the sloppy baby face sitting on the window sill, he took a bite of an apple in displeasure, and said, "Your house is really nice, you can see the scenery of the whole city."

Su Qiao said, "The man bought it for me."

"Do you like it?" Long Nan asked back, "Do you like living in such a high position, overlooking the life and death of others?"

Su Qiao didn't speak.

Long Nan continued: "Ambition is a delicious thing, and you shouldn't be ashamed of being ambitious."

Su Qiao said: "I want to stand in a high position, not because I have ambitions, but because I have been insecure since I was a child! Only the scenery of a high position can give me security... I don't want to be controlled by others... I don't want life and death to be controlled by others hands..."


The baby face swayed and stood behind Su Qiao.

His body exudes an icy coldness that does not belong to humans.

"I thought all I liked was death," he said, "but after meeting you, I suddenly found that I also like watching you step by step towards your dream."

Su Qiao bit her lower lip: "Long Jiuzhong sent you here to let you protect me, not to tease me. Besides, I'm not interested in sibling love."

"How do you know I'm younger than you?"

Long Nan made another shift and returned to the window sill.

Su Qiao was deeply speechless at his moodiness.

Just as he was thinking about whether to bring him some chicken soup, there was a sudden sound from upstairs——

The glass fell with a splash, Su Qiao raised her head, and saw a black shadow falling down in Yang Mengying's room!

Long Nan held Su Qiao down to prevent her from being hurt by the glass shards brought up by the person who fell from the building.

Su Qiao was very nervous. She grabbed Long Nan's clothes and said, "How come..."

"These are not the point! The point is that someone fell from the building, and you may be a witness!"

Ou Zifan suddenly appeared and hugged Su Qiao: "I just contacted the security guard. It was Yang Mengying's mother who fell from the building. She just came back from her hometown a week ago."


If it was an ordinary person who fell from the building, she would think it was an accident, but Yang Mengying raised a kid——

"The police will come to ask for a statement later, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Su Qiao nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell about Yang Mengying raising a kid! I'll wait for her to be bitten to death by the kid!"

Thinking of the time when Yang Mengying manipulated the kid to attack her, Su Qiao's heart ached for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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