I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 412 Seeing Gong Yueming Again

Chapter 412 Seeing Gong Yueming Again (3)

I'm afraid I won't be able to wear this skirt tomorrow, Su Qiao thought dejectedly.The red carpet is the battlefield of actresses, and there is no room for mistakes.

So she picked up the phone to call the assistant to come over.

However, when the wind blows on the window sill, a man who absolutely shouldn't be here appears.

"How do you..."

Su Qiao panicked and quickly put down the phone.

The man glanced at the roses all over the room, as well as the entire row of clothes, and said, "I have prepared so much, who will show it to me!"

Su Qiao said: "I won't show it to anyone! Stop talking nonsense, when did you come! Why are you staying outside my window!"

"In addition to the film festival in Cannes recently, there is also a [-]-nation military exchange meeting. I came here as a participant."

Gong Yueming spoke confidently, looking at Su Qiao's whole body harshly.

Su Qiao was stimulated by his almost domineering gaze and instinctively backed away, saying, "But what does it have to do with you coming to my room in the middle of the night! Normally, you shouldn't be reading materials or thinking about tomorrow's meeting in the hotel room ?"

"You said it too, under normal circumstances!"

Gong Yueming walked up to Su Qiao with ease, and pressed her between the sofa and his arms.

"Do you think that a genius like me needs to stay up all night like an ordinary person in research conference materials, thinking about how to get the best contract?"

"But the other attendees also have geniuses who are not inferior to you as brains! If you are too conceited, you will capsize in the gutter!"

Su Qiao pushed back abruptly.

Gong Yueming pinched Su Qiao's chin and said, "Tell me first, where is the gutter?"

"You... are unreasonable!"

Su Qiao was so angry that tears almost came out.

How could Gong Yueming be so brazen, she talked to him with good intentions, but he only thought about that stuff!

"What's the point with you? Do you understand?"

The stuffy arrogance made Su Qiao almost suffocate.

"you you……"

She wanted to push Gong Yueming away, but Mensao took the opportunity to grab her hands.

"……let me go!"

Su Qiao felt very humiliated.

The man wrapped his arms around her upper body.

"I just... get out!"

"Can't get out..."


Beside the sparkling pool, [-] roses are piled up into hills, and the rich aroma can make people allergic to pollen instantly.

"Seeing so many roses, does it feel like a wedding night?!"

Gongzi Yu sat by the pool, holding scissors in one hand and roses in the other.

The delicate roses were cut off one by one, thrown into the water, and drifted with the tide.

No one dared to speak, they knew that he was in a bad mood, as bad as a pool full of roses.

"It's a pity that the rose has been prepared, but the person who is suitable for it doesn't exist...Why doesn't it exist? Because you are all incompetent guys!"

"Please forgive our incompetence, we didn't mean to..."

A large group of people knelt down, and they had nothing else to say besides kneeling.

After all, the one sitting by the pool and cutting the roses was—

"Forget it, it's not today that I found out that you are incompetent!"

Gongzi Yu said wearily, and stood up.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

The large group of people said guiltily, they didn't dare to look him in the eyes, they just kept apologizing.

Gongzi Yu took off the sheepskin gloves and threw them to the woman beside him: "Next time, don't prepare such a decadent and useless decoration! Self-righteous romance will only make me feel worse!"

(End of this chapter)

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