I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 418 Masked Beauty

Chapter 418 Masked Beauty (2)

Most celebrities in the film industry are closely related to the political arena, Sarah never dreamed that she would accidentally tease one...

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know you were married," she said apologetically, "I thought you were just..."

"Just learn your lesson."

Gong Yueming graciously let Sarah leave.

Seeing that Sarah's attitude changed so quickly, Su Qiao deliberately became more and more bitter, and said, "So you really have some weight!"

Gong Yueming said: "Otherwise?"

Su Qiao didn't speak.

At this time, a few more men came and tried to flatter Su Qiao, but without exception, they were shocked by Gong Yueming's aura before they even opened their mouths.

Su Qiao was very unhappy, she blinked her eyes and said, "Do you want me to become the most unpopular woman in the audience?"

Gong Yueming pinched her nose and said, "You are already popular enough!"

Su Qiao snorted.

At this moment, Yang Mengying came over.

She saw that Gong Yueming had only been close to Mo Qiaoqiao since entering the venue. Although she was dressed in extraordinary clothes, but her face was wearing a mask, she suspected that it was the woman Mo Qiaoqiao met in Cannes, so she suddenly had a poisonous idea and deliberately walked to the two. In front of people, pretending not to pay attention——


The wine spilled out and splashed on Gong Yueming's body, his clothes were half wet immediately.

"Why are you so careless!"

Su Qiao was very angry, and took a napkin to wipe the water off Gong Yueming's clothes.

Yang Mengying hurriedly said with a charming face: "I'm sorry! The new shoes hurt my feet..."

While talking, she supported the table with one hand, lowered her waist and raised her feet, deliberately showing off her career line to Gong Yueming!

Su Qiao couldn't help sneering, and said, "Then find someone to put on your shoes for you, and make them soft so that your feet won't wear out. Miss Yang, your career is booming now, and you don't even need a shoe-wearing assistant." Get up!"

Yang Mengying looked even more aggrieved.

She frowned, looked at Gong Yueming pitifully, and said, "I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to dirty Mr.'s clothes! Why don't you do this, Mr. Take off your clothes for me, and I'll ask the assistant to find a way If you can’t clean it, I’ll pay you for a new one, how about it?”

Gong Yueming took off his coat expressionlessly, and handed it to Yang Mengying.

Yang Mengying took the coat, and said aggressively, "Sir, won't you leave me the contact information?"

Gong Yueming said: "The place where I live has a relatively high security level, you can just send the clothes to her room!"

Yang Mengying's originally bright face darkened.

At this moment, Su Qian came over. She walked to Su Qiao's side and said in a low voice, "As expected of Yang Bailian, she is so skilled at flirting with men! It's no wonder that even a net red background can make a fortune."

Su Qiao said, "What are you doing!"

"Why don't you do my business? Fortunately, it was Major General Gong who was teased. If it were another man, I'm afraid it would have been..."

Su Qian didn't say any more, but Yang Mengying had already heard the man's identity.

Major General Gong?It sounds like a lot!Go back and find out what's going on!
Yang Mengying thought to herself, took Gong Yueming's clothes and left.

Su Qiao glared at Su Qian and said, "Satisfied this time?"

Susie didn't speak.

Gong Yueming said: "You look very dissatisfied!"

Su Qiao said: "Isn't this nonsense! The white lotus has come to poach the wall!"

"Dig casually, your husband and I are not so easily swayed."

In front of everyone, Gong Yueming never hesitated to show his pampering to his wife.

Seeing them kissing in public, Susie felt even more uncomfortable.

It was the first time that Yi Xi knew that Su Qiao had this man by his side, and it was a bit uncomfortable!
(End of this chapter)

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