I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 425 Really know how to play~

Chapter 425 Really know how to play~
After enjoying it, Su Qiao sued Yang Mengying to the man for threatening her to tell Mrs. Gong about her relationship with Gong Yueming.

Gong Yueming said amusedly: "You are a woman who knows how to play, and you can be my third son and my wife at the same time."

Su Qiao said: "Don't you think it's funny? She has been targeting me since she was my roommate, treating me as a thorn in the side, and even raising Gumantong to harm me. If I don't play tricks on her, I am the Holy Mother." !"

"You are not the Virgin Mary, you are Mary Magdalene!"

Gong Yueming made a mildly dirty joke.

Su Qiao was so angry that she twisted his neck: "Don't think I don't understand!"

Gong Yueming said: "I just said that on purpose because I knew you could understand."

Su Qiao made a gesture to hit her, but the man was a dead pig and remained motionless despite being scalded by boiling water.

Su Qiao had no choice but to give up and said, "If Yang Mengying comes to you in the future and says something ugly, you have to cover it up for me! If she knows that Mrs. Gong is Gong Xiaosan..."

"Don't worry, she has no chance to appear in front of me! Do you really think that your man appears in your hotel room every day because of a fiery romantic heart?"

Su Qiao snorted.

Of course she knew that there were countless guards and bodyguards around the man, just like she also had bodyguards protecting her at all times.

"Anyway, be careful in everything," she said, "Now I rely on you to gain a firm foothold in the Gong family and the entertainment industry. If there is anything wrong with you, I will definitely be forced by the Gong family to quit the entertainment industry, and then buried alive! "

"How do you know that you will be buried alive? Instead of being cut into eight pieces and sent to the Snow God Temple for Young Master Yu to practice his theory of rebirth?"

Gong Yueming started to speak sour words again.

Su Qiao said, "Let's talk about this after something happens to you!"

Seeing that she was really angry, Gong Yueming simply turned his back on her.

Su Qiao is soft but not hard, he is cruel to her, and she is the same.

Looking outside the window, Long Nan saw the two of them being sweet and began to confront each other within 3 minutes, and felt that maybe she should ask Long Jiuzhong to apply for a job change.


At dawn, Gong Yueming had already left, and Su Qiao changed into an Eastern European-style pink dress and appeared on the streets of Cannes.

When the reporters who were waiting saw her and He Zai, they rushed forward to shoot wildly at each other, and did not forget to ask various questions in their spare time.

Su Qiao has rich experience, and she answers every question carefully, being kind and sweet without missing a word.

This cautiousness disappointed many reporters who wanted to make big news. Fortunately, they soon saw Yang Mengying, so someone immediately went up to question Yang Mengying.

Su Qiao glanced at Yang Mengying, who would smile provocatively.

During lunch, Su Qiao opened the website and saw Yang Mengying's smiling face and her revelations!

"A lady surnamed Y broke the news that a new actress surnamed M who came to Cannes this time is a standard girly style, claiming that she will definitely give her boyfriend the first time, but in fact she is a famous socialite. Rubbing and hugging with a married man, and being witnessed many times by the man entering and exiting her room! Then, why does this newcomer surnamed M willingly degrade to be with a married man? Who is a married man? How long has their relationship lasted? How much does the public boyfriend of the newcomer surnamed M know about this matter? How credible is Ms. Y’s revelation? Please subscribe to our work account! We will do our best to track it down for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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