Chapter 428 Cutout CP
"It turns out that none of the paparazzi kings came to Cannes!"

When Su Qiao debuted as Mo Qiaoqiao, she was exposed by the paparazzi nicknamed "Wei Ge". When she was active in the front line as Su Qiao, she didn't know how many times she was stalked by "Wei Ge" for nothing. .

"However, it's good to let Wei Ge come forward. Although he is vicious and pervasive, every time he explodes, he is the real thing."

Su Qiao's smile was tinged with ruthlessness.

Simon couldn't help shivering.


The power of paparazzi king is obvious.

In the evening, Su Qiao just returned to the hotel. Before entering the room, she felt the smell of surveillance in the air.

At least ten people are peeking at her, staring at her, saying and doing!
"Brother Wei really has a lot of puppies." Su Qiao said, "If you dare to install a surveillance camera in my room, it will be even more powerful!"

Ximen laughed dryly and said, "Brother Wei dare not, although he is pervasive, but he won't do anything that breaks the law."

"If he dares to do this, I will be the first to send him to prison!"

Long Nan appeared suddenly, holding a plate of mango cakes in his hand: "Will you have a piece?"

"he is--"

"The newly hired bodyguard," Su Qiao said, "doesn't it look very inconspicuous?"

"A baby-faced killer?"

Ximen laughed dryly, picked up a small cake, and said, "Please give me more advice in the future."

Long Nan smiled: "It's easy to say, easy to say! As long as you do your part, I will definitely do my part!"

Simon looked unhappy.

He said to Su Qiao, "You are an extraordinary bodyguard!"

Su Qiao said, "I don't need the normal one."

Her praise made Long Nan's smile brighter, and he walked past the other people with a plate, and everyone ate his cake cooperatively.

At this time-

An unexpected face appears.

Zhang Keren!
After the previous cutout incident, her reputation in the industry was basically stink, but relying on her pretty face and her friendly image in the variety show circle, she even got an invitation to Cannes.

Zong Hai was walking with her.

Seeing this pair of cutout CPs, the paparazzi who wanted to secretly take pictures of Mo Qiaoqiao immediately turned around, Su Qiao also turned around, and said to Zhang Keren, "Why did you come here today?"

Zhang Keren said: "I have something to do at home, so I have to postpone the trip."

"Are you sure you're not afraid of being questioned by reporters at home and abroad about cutouts on the red carpet?"

He Zai didn't give Zhang Keren any face.

Zhang Keren looked at the man who was supposed to be her big brother, and smiled like a toothache patient: "Mr. Zhang, I..."

"Don't pretend to be pitiful to me, I won't accept that!"

He Zai left decisively.

Su Qiao looked at Zhang Keren helplessly, and said, "If I knew today, why bother!"

Zhang Keren said: "Why didn't you say that to He Sheng! I have a relationship like Mr. He, but he never cleared it up for me! It caused me to suffer in the entertainment industry and get stared at! I just took a shortcut because I couldn't bear it. , but you... all of you said it as if He Sheng was so nice to me, I shouldn't cheat, I'm the modern Pan Jinlian!"

"But you did cheat, and you stabbed He Sheng afterwards," Su Qiao said, "He Sheng didn't use his relationship to pave the way for you, it was the most correct decision he made during the years of dating you. "

"Hmph, you are He Zai's partner now, He Sheng's partner, of course you speak for He Sheng in everything! If he really has a clear conscience, why doesn't he dare to reply every time I call him on Weibo! "

Zhang Keren looked around arrogantly, and said, "Mo Qiaoqiao, don't pretend to be a righteous passer-by! There are no real passers-by in the entertainment industry, only interests!"

(End of this chapter)

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