I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 431 Kaiyun Dinner

Chapter 431 Kaiyun Dinner (1)

"Is not it?"

Su Qian grabbed Su Qiao's hand: "When my sister tells a lie, her cheeks turn red and her whole body becomes hot."

Su Qiao said: "Most people lie like this. Besides, I'm an actor."

"Actually, I don't want you to be Su Qiao at all," Su Qian said, "As everyone complains, my current success is largely based on the fact that Su Qiao's life and death are unknown! If you are reborn, Then what am I! Su Qiao and I are related by blood, and have nothing to do with you at all!"

"But you helped Song Rong'er seduce Gong Yueming at the behest of His Highness Yu?"

"Yes, because the Gong family likes Song Rong'er as their granddaughter-in-law, His Highness Yu wants you! And I want His Highness Yu's trust, and the Gong family's love."

Susie didn't hide her selfishness: "Mo Qiaoqiao, or rather, Su Qiao, do you know how hated you are! You can always get what you want easily! What others can't get after spending their entire lives , you can easily get it!"

"You can't see what I have paid for," Su Qiao said, "No one's success falls from the sky."

"I know you have paid too! But your giving is nothing compared to what you get!"

Su Qian's fingers were so excited that they almost dug into Su Qiao's palm.

Su Qiao had no choice but to push her hand away, and said in a low voice: "... Su Dong, stop being obsessed with Su Qiao and Mo Qiaoqiao's luck! If you continue like this, you will feel unbalanced. What's more, compared to most people , you are lucky enough."

Susie didn't make another sound.


The Kering Dinner is the grandest and most official dinner during the Cannes Film Festival. Susie holds the invitation letter, and naturally she wakes up in the morning with makeup artists and stylists around her, constantly changing clothes and makeup, and even asking about the sofa Su Qiao on the Internet "looks good or not"!
Su Qiao didn't bother to talk to her.

Compared with the Kering dinner that she didn't have the chance to attend, she wanted to know who put artificial fiber hair in her bathtub yesterday, and whether there was any further action in the evening.


Su Qiao glanced at the stylist and make-up artist who were busy making a pot of porridge, and stood up.

Seeing that Su Qiao was about to leave, Su Qian hurriedly called to her: "Where are you going?"

Su Qiao said, "Go back to your room and don't disturb you any longer!"

"Aren't you afraid that there are unclean things in the room?"

Su Qian proudly looked at herself in the mirror, but suddenly found that Su Qiao just casually wore a high-tailored white dress to cover her well-dressed light!

Su Qiao didn't notice her unhappiness, and said, "Even if there are unclean things, don't dare to come out in broad daylight to scare people!"

She picked up the bag on the sofa and walked out of the room.


Boom boom boom!
After knocking on the door three times, the door opened, and Su Qiao saw that the living room was in a mess, the bodyguards were lying on the ground, all the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows were shattered, and the curtains were flying in the wind.

Su Qiao looked around, and found Qiuqiu lying beside the piano, and Long Nan who was asleep leaning on Qiuqiu.

She walked up to Long Nan, and before he even bent over, the boy woke up vigilantly, and Qiuqiu raised its basketball-sized head and growled lowly at Su Qiao.

Long Nan rubbed his eyes: "Morning!"

Su Qiao pointed to the people in the room who were sleeping staggeringly, and said, "What happened? Last night..."

"It's okay, let us take care of it."

Long Nan patted Qiuqiu. Qiuqiu bowed and stood up. His iron-like tail swept across Su Qiao's calf.

(End of this chapter)

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