I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 451 Ou Que's Secret Legacy

Chapter 451 Ou Que's Secret Legacy (1)

"How sad it would be for fans who carefully prepared presents to hear this."

The assistant was a little emotional.

Ximen said: "In the entertainment industry, all kinds of accidents may happen in order to get ahead. There was once a male singer whose career was on the rise, because he drank a glass of water handed over by the staff, his voice was completely ruined! So the artist's daily life You can't be too careful, as for the fans... I believe that if they are true love, they will definitely want their idol to be safe and prosperous, and their careers will flourish. Besides, their wishes have indeed been received!"

"I'm still too tender."

The assistant looked at Ximen eagerly: "Mr. Ximen, please whip me hard!"


The car drove into the hospital, before Su Qiao entered Monini's ward, she was caught by Mo Weiguo and Zhang Caiying from left to right.

"Qiaoqiao, this time we can rely entirely on you!" Zhang Caiying said with a mournful face, "The doctor said that Nini's condition is very bad, even if it is cured, there will be sequelae, and her face... her face is afraid Plastic surgery!"

"so serious?"

Su Qiao had always been displeased with Monini, but she was shocked to hear that she was beaten to the point of disfigurement.

Mo Weiguo said: "The corners of her eyes were injured by those little bastards, but the corneas were not injured, but the eyes... and the nose, the corners of the mouth... were all injured!"

"Find out who ordered it?"

Surveillance showed that these hooligans were ambushing nearby early in the morning. When they saw Monini passing by, they immediately threw nails to make her stop, and then went up to beat her up.

"This group of people has done the thing of throwing nails on the road and beating people before, and it is impossible to find out whether anyone ordered them."

Looking at his daughter who was still in a coma, Mo Weiguo burst into tears again.

Zhang Caiying also gritted her teeth and said, "Qiaoqiao, you must find the best doctor for Nini! This is my only daughter, I... I will point at her for the rest of my life..."

"I will do my best to help her, but I can't make any promises to you about the final result."

Su Qiao glanced at Monini in the ICU: "How is the result of the operation?"

"The doctor said that Nini's operation was very successful, but...after waking up, there will be a huge medical bill..."

Mo Weiguo is a little embarrassed, Mo Qiaoqiao has already paid them 30 yuan for surgery, and promised to give Mo Nini plastic surgery, he doesn't live in a million-dollar mansion but asks Mo Qiaoqiao to pay for his daughter shameless.

"Medical expenses are not a problem," Su Qiao said, "As long as Nini can get well soon..."

"Qiaoqiao, you are such a good girl!"

Looking back on the past, Mo Weiguo and Zhang Caiying were crying so hard.

Su Qiao patted them on the shoulder and said, "Let him go! Although you cheated me, you took me in! The food and drink at Mo's house is indeed not as good as at Ou's house, but you don't have to worry about the food being poisonous." .”

Su Qiao's words made Mo Weiguo and his wife even more ashamed.


After talking with the doctor about Monini's situation, Su Qiao was about to drive back to the company when Mo Weiguo caught up and said, "Qiaoqiao, there is something I can no longer keep from you!"

"whats the matter?"

Mo Weiguo looked around and said, "I can only tell you about this."

Su Qiao then told Ximen and his assistants to go away.

Mo Weiguo looked around carefully, and said to Su Qiao: "Qiaoqiao, Ou Que once left me a notebook and a Swiss bank key! Don't worry, your aunt and I have never touched the Swiss bank's keys. thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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