I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 457 Perfume audition

Chapter 457 Perfume audition (2)

Lan Xi'er heard this, glanced at Su Qiao, and said, "Just wait and see! This role is definitely mine!"

"So confident? Because you are a national girl? Or because you played both boys and girls since you were young?"

Su Qiao said with a smile, and went back to the car to wait for the result.

The actresses were taken upstairs one by one, but almost none of them could stay in the room for more than 3 minutes before being scolded out.And when they came out, without exception, the delicate makeup became mottled, and the waterproof mascara stuck to the foundation, which was extremely embarrassing.

But no one wanted to tell anyone what was going on in the room, and all the losers went downstairs and drove away.

Su Qiao sat in the car and waited quietly, her intuition told her that the content of Wang Jiaquan's interview was absolutely extraordinary.

In the afternoon, Mo Qiaoqiao's name was finally called. Su Qiao got out of the car and went upstairs on the creaking iron stairs.

Downstairs, the actresses who hadn't yet had their turn for the interview stared at her with eager expressions on their faces, and Lan Xier even made sarcastic remarks to her assistant while fanning the wind.

door, open.

"Come in!"

Su Qiao walked into the iron room.

The room is very simple, the iron sheets on all sides have already leaked air, and the walls are stained with rust. There is only one iron chair in the room, and Wang Da's sunglasses are sitting on the chair with his legs crossed.

He said to Su Qiao: "I'll give you 3 minutes to seduce me and make me feel for you!"

"You can do anything?"

Wang Da Sunglasses said: "Anything is fine, as long as you can make my heart beat! Even striptease is fine!"

When Su Qiao heard this, she knew that someone must have done this kind of thing before.

She had worked with Wang Jiaquan before, and knew that Wang Dasha had no interest in women, and the temptation that was useful to straight men was not worth mentioning to him.

So she flicked her hair and said, "I won't be that vulgar."

"Then what will you do?"

Wang Jiaquan showed a playful smile.

Su Qiao turned around, took off her coat, and tied up her hair.

Wang Jiaquan smiled and said, "Is this what you call not vulgar?"

"you sure?"

Su Qiao grabbed an iron rod leaning against the wall, and Wang Jiaquan laughed and said, "Live pole dance? Be creative!"

"Who said it was pole dancing?"

Su Qiao took a step, graceful like a ballet.

Looking at her tall and straight figure, Wang Jiaquan smiled a little.


In the next second, with a wave of his finger, the stick came over with an afterimage!

The cries didn't stop, but the stick stopped, and it stopped abruptly when it was only one millimeter away from Wang Jiaquan's neck!
Wang Jiaquan finally showed surprise on his face: "Have you practiced martial arts?"

Su Qiao said, "I've practiced a little bit."

"Why did you think of using a stick?" Wang Jiaquan asked.

This girl's answer sheet completely exceeded his expectations, especially when she played the stick!The movements are ruthless and fast, the expression is cold and gorgeous, and the long hair is in the wind!
When the stick stopped just a millimeter away from his neck, he felt a double heartbeat!
The suffocating sexiness, and the death that is only an inch away!

"Director Wang wants a woman with a masculine temperament. No one in the entertainment industry has a more neutral temperament than Yuan Yuge, but you didn't choose her. It can be seen that what you want is a woman with a feminine male star temperament, 3 minutes There is no other way to express strength and lines better than force."

Su Qiao took back the stick and smoothed out her messy hair.

Wang Jiaquan put on his sunglasses and said, "You go out first and wait for the follow-up notice."

Su Qiao walked out of the office.

She knew that [-]% of this role belonged to her.

(End of this chapter)

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