I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 462 Finding Ou Jiaoqian for a Showdown

Chapter 462 Finding Ou Jiaoqian for a Showdown (3)

The scissors were close to her face, and Ou Jiaoqian immediately screamed like a pig.

She firmly believed that Mo Qiaoqiao smeared the virus on the scissors, trying to make her get AIDS or tetanus!

Su Qiao didn't bother to care about her, cut off a bunch of hair, put it in a sealed bag, cut Ou Qianjiao's hand, took a test tube of blood, and put it in an ice pack.

In the end, she put an OK bandage on Ou Qianjiao to stop the bleeding, and asked the shop assistants to release Ou Qianjiao.

Ou Qianjiao touched her face to make sure she wasn't disfigured, and said, "What do you mean? Are you trying to infect me with a virus?"

Su Qiao said: "I'm not that boring yet, I just want to give you a warning and make sure of something else. Things like inciting Pan Mengmeng to stab me are not allowed to happen a second time. If there is, I will immediately report the results of today's recording. Take Pan Mengmeng's statement and herself to the police station!"


Ou Qianjiao was bluffing.

Su Qiao said again: "The fact that you and Ou Ying embezzled uncle's property will also be exposed. By the way, I am currently investigating how you and Ou Ying murdered uncle. It has only been six years since he died. According to the law, criminal The prosecution period of the case is 20 years, and the prosecution period has not yet passed!"

"……you you……"

Ou Qianjiao was overwhelmed by Su Qiao's words. She had a ghost in her heart, so she was very timid.

Su Qiao said again: "Anyway, live a peaceful life. For uncle's sake, I will give you a way out."

Then, Su Qiao left the bar.

Ou Qianjiao was in a bad mood, and she felt that she needed to discuss it with Ou Ying immediately.


When Su Qiao left the Huaishan Bar, she purposely glanced at the monitor.She believed that the real culprit who poisoned Gong Xinjie in the next piece of medicine was still watching every sign of the crime scene in a corner.

She wants those people to know that she will not be willing to take the blame!All the sewage added to her body will be eaten back!

After the demonstration was over, Su Qiao got into the car and asked Ximen to take her to Ou Zifan.

Ximen didn't understand Su Qiao's intention. Su Qiao said, "I want to know if that rumor is true."

Simon said, "What rumors do they have to do with me?"

Su Qiao shook her head, leaning her head on the back of the seat, looking a little tired.

Ximen drove steadily, but she saw the wolf again under the influence of the dream.

Dark forests, wolves with no escape, and...

When she woke up suddenly, Su Qiao held her heart tightly, she finally understood the meaning of this dream.

This is Mo Qiaoqiao's nightmare!

Although the abduction in the aquarium did not cause actual physical harm to Mo Qiaoqiao, she was only a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, and what happened during the abduction left an indelible psychological shadow on her.Ou Que can't sue her younger brother, so she can only ask a psychologist to give her psychological adjustment.

The shadow caused by the kidnapping, plus the pain and helplessness after losing Ou Que, as well as her own painful memories, the three forces finally distorted into a dream of being chased and killed by wolves and no one could save them.

Su Qiao thought back carefully, the hero who killed the wolf appeared in her dream after she met Gong Yueming.Subconsciously, both Mo Qiaoqiao and herself regard Gong Yueming as a great hero, even though he once treated herself severely.

"If you weren't Gong Yueming and I wasn't Qiaoqiao, our relationship might not be..."

Su Qiao felt a little mocking.

The genius has ulterior motives. In order to succeed, he does not hesitate to pretend to be a hero to save the orphan, but he never realizes that the woman beside him who he uses as a stand-in and tool is his favorite woman.

If he knows that I am both Mo Qiaoqiao and Su Qiao, will his three views collapse?
For some reason, Su Qiao actually felt a little excited.

She felt that she had become bad, and had begun to regard other people's pain as happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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