I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 479 Lip-singing

Chapter 479 Lip-singing (4)

"False singing is a fraudulent act in which people in front of the stage lip-sync with a microphone and play pre-recorded songs behind the stage to pretend to be singing live."

Gong Yueming's original intention was not to ask about lip-syncing, but Cheng Luo didn't dare to speculate on his heart casually, so she could only pretend to be stupid and explained the meaning of lip-syncing.

Gong Yueming sneered: "You go out first."

Cheng Luo quickly got out.

Gong Yueming clicked on the video, and the singing came out.

The first half is a very typical fake singing. Although the sound mixer mixed the voices of Mo Qiaoqiao and Su Qiao, it can still be clearly heard that it is Su Qiao's original singing.

Gong Yueming looked at the woman holding the microphone and pretending to lip-sync, his dislike for this woman flourished like a weed.

However, just as he was about to click pause, the accompaniment suddenly disappeared!
The singing that should have disappeared immediately did not stop, and a voice that could not be classified as bright but definitely not hoarse flowed out. He quickly grabbed his phone and watched Mo Qiaoqiao in the video.

She didn't seem to panic at all, as if this accident was what she expected.

On the small stage, she sang calmly, her singing voice was steady with a touch of sadness, as if there was another soul living in her body, a lonely woman with beautiful face and white hair who had experienced wind and rain.

"Why can you sing this song so affectionately, as if Su Qiao is you?" Gong Yueming asked himself while grabbing the phone.

Her singing is not unique, but the charm flowing in it is... as if a princess trapped in a high tower, facing the thorns below, asks for help helplessly. There is no hope, but she can't help but hope...

It's hard for Gong Yueming to describe this feeling. Her singing made him think of Su Qiao directly, and wondered if Su Qiao felt the same way when she died, but he immediately felt deeply disgusted again!
Su Qiao is Su Qiao, Mo Qiaoqiao is Mo Qiaoqiao!
An imitator is always an imitator!Can not replace genuine!

"How can I be shaken by a stand-in!" He said to himself, "My heart has been as solid as a rock since the beginning of the plan, and it has never been shaken!"


It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when Su Qiao finished handling her personal affairs. Thinking of meeting with the representative of the headquarters tomorrow, she didn't dare to stay up late, so she hurried into the bathroom to take a shower and make a facial mask.

Just when he was soaking in the bathtub and feeling comfortable all over, suddenly someone knocked on the door like a ghost, Su Qiao was speechless, and could only ask Long Nan to open the door for him.

Gong Yueming broke into the room and asked Long Nan, "Where is Mo Qiaoqiao! Where is it!"

"Take a shower in the bathroom."

Long Nan unplugged the earphones and asked, "What can I do with her?"

Gong Yueming said: "This is none of your business!"

He went straight into the bedroom, but Long Nan gave up, immediately chased after him, stopped him, and said, "Boss's husband, can you stop being so overbearing! I took her money, and I have to guarantee her personal safety!"

"How much is it, I will pay you double! Get out immediately!"

Gong Yueming was very disdainful.

Long Nan said, "Can you really pay double?"

"Of course it's double! How much, just say what you want!"

Gong Yueming pushed Long Nan away, but Long Nan stuck up again, holding a blade in his hand, pressing against Gong Yueming's carotid artery: "Do you know what price Longshou entrusted me to protect her? "

"I don't know, but no matter what the price, I can afford it!"

"No, you can't afford it, because he gave me life!"

As the fingers slid, a circle of blood dripped down Gong Yueming's neck!
(End of this chapter)

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