I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 490 Drive out of the Ou family

Chapter 490 Drive out of the Ou family (3)

"Why do I hear the smell of determination?"

Ximen stirred the coffee and walked behind Su Qiao: "After all, you still mind. Tell He Sheng the truth, don't let him—"

"It's useless," Su Qiao said, "I've already made my choice."

She caressed the railing and said, "My choice is never to look back!"

Simon felt helpless and said, "Well, don't regret it!"

Su Qiao said, "Never—"

At this time the secretary knocked on the door: "Miss Mo, there is a Mr. Ou outside who wants to—"

"Zi Fan is here!"

Su Qiao was overjoyed and said to the secretary, "Hurry up and invite him in."

The secretary backed away, and Su Qiao said to Ximen, "Go out first."

Simon knocked on the coffee cup speechlessly and left the office.

The secretary brought Ou Zifan in.

"Zi Fan!"

Su Qiao rushed forward enthusiastically and hugged Ou Zifan.

Ou Zifan didn't expect to be able to get a pretty hug today, but he was a little taken aback. He didn't realize that nephrite was in his arms until he was hugged tightly by a woman, and said with a smile, "Did you hit me?"

"Where is it?" Su Qiao asked back.

Ou Zifan said, "Let go first, and I'll tell you later."

Su Qiao then let go of Ou Zifan and asked the secretary to bring them yellow peach mousse and cappuccino.

As a result, Ou Zifan was not in a hurry to drink the cappuccino, but kept stirring, keeping his eyes on Su Qiao: "Is the test report true?"

"It's true," Su Qiao said, "I got my uncle's diary from Mo Weiguo a few days ago. In the diary, my uncle clearly stated that Ou Qianjiao is not his daughter. He only recognized her for the Jiang family's face." Leave her. That's why I asked Ou Qianjiao to come out, cut off her hair, took her blood sample, and found a friend's laboratory for identification."

"But uncle—"

"Uncle is gone, and I can't get Ou Ying's blood sample, so I can only make do with your blood sample."

"Is your friend's test result reliable? After all—"

Ou Zifan had a hard time accepting the fact that Ou Qianjiao was not his uncle's daughter.

Su Qiao said: "My friend in the laboratory has been serving the military, and his detection technology is absolutely reliable! He told me that you and Ou Qianjiao are not related, and you don't even belong to the same family tree."

"... No wonder Ou Qianjiao is so ruthless to you!"

Sullen streaked across Ou Zifan's face.

Su Qiao said: "Now the truth is finally revealed. She is not Uncle Ou's daughter, so naturally she has no right to usurp uncle's property. Zifan, you must drive out this bastard from the Ou family!"

"That's for sure! She treats you like that, how can I tolerate her!"

Ou Zifan clenched his fist and slammed it on the desk.

"What's more, since she joined the Ou family, she has never done anything good except squandering at a loss! She even brought in the relatives of the Jiang family! If it wasn't for the status of the Ou family, she would have been kicked out a long time ago!"

"Now that her Ou Family identity is confirmed to be false, we must take immediate action to drive her out of Ou Family!"

Su Qiao encouraged Ou Zifan, she said: "I have known since I was a child that I am not the daughter of the Ou family, so after my uncle left, Ou Qianjiao asked to inherit all his property, I have no complaints, because she deserves it all. At most, I hate them for being too ungrateful and kicking me out of the Ou family before uncle's burial. But now——she's not uncle's daughter, so she should spit out uncle's money, all of it!"

"Yes, you must spit it all out!"

Thinking of how Ou Qianjiao could not wait to drive Mo Qiaoqiao out before his uncle's body was cold, Ou Zifan's heart was ablaze with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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