I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 494 Headlines Again

Chapter 494 Headlines Again (1)

The assistant added more faintly: "Boss, I saw a women's forum discussing whether the results of the Tiger Fighting Goddess election are credible, and whether men have aesthetic values."


Su Qiao touched her forehead.

In today's era of big data and self-media, internal elections organized by large forums may also trigger a tsunami reaction on the Internet. What's more, the goddess Hupu this time is a newcomer who has only debuted for a year. Ruyun's entertainment industry can't be considered outstanding.What's more, women have made things difficult for women since ancient times.

Su Qiao, who didn't realize how attractive she was in front of the camera, thought modestly, and said to the assistant: "You can help me take a look first. If the screen is full of scolding, just pretend that this post doesn't exist. ! I have a heart of glass slag, and I can't stand stimulation."

"Yes, got it."

The assistant opened the discussion posts on the forum and began to read them one by one.

The car also drove into the apartment amidst their conversation.


Su Qiao and Long Nan got off the car together.

Long Nan saw a skinny man holding a cat in his arms standing in front of the apartment door, he hurriedly broke free from Su Qiao's hand, knelt down in front of the man, and said, "Please punish me!"

The hall master smiled slightly and said, "Why punish you? You did a good job."

"No, I made a mistake. I let Longshou's guest meet with a smile, and I asked the hall master to wait for me. These are all big mistakes!"

"But you were also injured," said the hall master. "Long Shou is not the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong. He asked me to come here to tell you that he won't blame you for this incident. He wants you to hurry up." Heal your wounds, take your crimes and perform meritorious deeds as soon as possible to get back the scene!"

"Yes! I will!"

Long Nan stood up.

The hall master smiled at Su Qiao and said, "Miss Mo, I surprised you."

"The fact that Long Nan was injured for me really scared me," Su Qiao said, "He and I are not related, but he can treat me better than himself."

"Because you are the one who gave him the dragon head. He has the responsibility to protect you."

The hall master nodded slightly, then left with the cat in his arms.

Su Qiao saw that the cat in his arms looked familiar, and wanted to chase after it to make a clear statement, but ordinary people couldn't chase the killer among killers, and she only took a few steps to chase the cat, and the hall master had already disappeared.

Su Qiao could only go back to Long Nan and said, "Hall Master likes cats very much?"

Long Nan said: "He likes all smiling dangerous creatures. His previous nickname was Smiling Tiger."

"It's a very quack-like nickname."

Long Nan said: "But we are not just as simple as Jianghu."

Su Qiao nodded with deep understanding, opened the door and entered the room.

Inside the house, the Bengal tiger Qiuqiu was flicking its tail boredly to tease a snow-white long-haired cat. Seeing the owner enter the room, both the tiger and the white cat raised their heads and made a "meowing" sound.


Su Qiao was stunned.

The ball of fur next to the tiger's paw was the string cat named Qiuqiu she met when she was recuperating in the hospital some time ago.

The kitten, who hadn’t seen it for a few days, heard his name and raised his body. He looked at Su Qiao with big wet eyes, and stuck out his pink tongue. His nosebleeds were almost uncontrollable. .

"so cute!"

The first one who couldn't control it was the assistant. The cute ball made her cover her nose with both hands, wishing she could pinch it in her hand and touch it desperately.

Seeing that she liked Qiuqiu, Su Qiao said, "I declare that from today onwards, you will be its shit-shoveling officer!"

(End of this chapter)

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