I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 496 Headlines Again

Chapter 496 Headlines Again (3)

"But you are not short of money now." Long Nan said, "I have a TV series, a movie, and several endorsements. Give yourself a vacation, don't work so hard, people who like you will feel sorry for you."

"You will feel sorry for me?"

Su Qiao looked at Long Nan.

Shyness appeared on Long Nan's face, and he said, "If I were heterosexual, I would probably have long ago—in short, don't forget about other men who treat you well just because Gong Yueming treats you ruthlessly."

"But I'm just on a diet, not—"

Su Qiao felt deeply speechless, but also a little joyful.

Long Nan has no blood relationship with her, but he can love her more than Su Xi who has a blood relationship.

At this time, the life assistant came back.

She opened the bag, and a lively cat dumpling jumped out of the bag.

Su Qiao touched the ball and asked, "What's the matter with it!"

"I eat too much, gastroenteritis." The assistant said shyly, "I'm not smart enough to do things, and I caused trouble for the boss."

She was referring to the matter of carrying the cat to the children's hospital.

"I don't know where there is a pet hospital nearby," Su Qiao said, "Of course emergency situations must be dealt with urgently."

"But now there are rumors on the Internet, saying..."

The life assistant was so nervous that he almost collapsed.

Su Qiao said: "At this time, it's time for the agent to clarify! You can take care of Qiuqiu and yourself, don't worry."


The assistant was teary-eyed.

Su Qiao comforted her a few more words and called Simon.

Simon didn't answer the phone because he was right outside her apartment.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly!"

Simon rang the doorbell impatiently.

Su Qiao opened the door: Ximen, "This time..."

"You have a good assistant!"

Ximen walked into the apartment angrily, pointed at the assistant's nose and said, "How much water has entered your brain, to think of going to the Children's Hospital with a cat in your arms! Amazing! You are so talented!"

"I'm sorry! Mr. Simon! I'm sorry! I was confused for a moment!"

The assistant almost knelt down to Ximen.

Su Qiao said: "Things have already happened, the top priority is to resolve the crisis, not to discuss whose fault it is."

"You, you are too kind to the people below!"

Ximen sneered and said, "In another 10 minutes, I will post two popular posts on Weibo, and you will know what I am capable of by then."

"You clarified for me yourself!?"

Su Qiao was overjoyed.

"Top PR is not a vegetarian," Simon said.

The assistant bowed his head and said, "Mr. Simon, the cost of buying hot spots this time should be deducted from my salary. It's all my fault."

Simon said: "You can't afford it. Also, next time you do something stupid, remember to tell me as soon as possible, lest I... Huh! What else is there in your refrigerator, get me some! Lao Tzu I was woken up by your affairs at five o'clock in the morning, and I haven't even drank my saliva until now!"

"There is milk, eggs and bread in the fridge, I'll make egg toast for you!"

The assistant looked pleased.

"Hurry up! Do you want to starve me to death!"

Simon leaned on the sofa with a tired look on his face.

After 10 minutes, Weibo really started to push a hot post, which was about a children's doctor complaining about his work, saying that last night a silly woman came to the children's hospital with a brand-name bag to go to the emergency room. When she opened the bag, she found a puppet inside. Pedigree pet cat.The accompanying picture is a surveillance screenshot of the woman when she registered in the waiting hall, and a candid photo of the cat being held in the hand and hanging the needle.

"This trick is powerful!" Su Qiao said, "I don't make any clarifications, but it solves the problem perfectly."

"I'll see the second article later."

Ximen on the sofa bit the egg toast and said in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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