I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 502 No, I Love You!

Chapter 502 No, I Love You! (1)

Su Qiao took Rose and said with a smile, "It's just a civil election."

The editor-in-chief said: "But this election shows that you have a high popularity among the people, and you are very popular with passers-by. It is easy to attract passers-by to enter the movie theater for you. For example, the upcoming filming of "A Portrait of Snow White."

After all, he is the editor-in-chief of "A Gentleman's Life", and he sees the problem directly to the point.

Su Qiao shrugged her hair embarrassingly, and said: "Mr. He Zai is responsible for the box office of "A Portrait of Snow White". As a newcomer, I can do well without being slowed down. How can I afford the box office... You really— —”

"The answer to this question will be revealed when the movie is released."

The editor-in-chief said: "The fan economy is important, but it is those ordinary people who may only go to the cinema once a year who really hold up the myth of the box office. Compared with other florets, you have a higher national popularity, in other words, you have a higher The box office appeal. The industry said that Meilan Kiss using you as an endorsement is a foolish trick, but I think you and your advertisement will become legends."

"Editor-in-chief, you really flatter me too much."

Su Qiao didn't dare to take the credit.

The director didn't say any more. He was equally interested in beauties and new technologies, and looked at the three-dimensional projection on the wall, and suggested many revisions to the special effects team.


After the data collection of the special effects team was completed, it was already night.

Ximen is a veteran in the industry. He invited all members of the special effects team to dinner in the private room of the hotel next door. The group walked into the VIP room of the hotel with a smile on their faces. Halfway through the meal, Su Qiao suddenly felt unwell, so she went to the bathroom under the pretense of putting on makeup.

There was no one in the bathroom.

Su Qiao was about to enter the cubicle to check the situation, when she suddenly felt a tightness behind her, and then her whole body was pressed against the wall.

The scorching breath rushed to the whole body against the neck, Su Qiao adjusted her breath and said, "This is the women's toilet!"

"so what?"

Gong Yueming didn't pay attention to the rules at all.

He turned Su Qiao around and forced her to look at his face.

"Why!" he said angrily, "Why are you being so unkind to me! You're really only with me because—"

"Does Miss Song know you're here?"

Su Qiao interrupted Gong Yueming's words.

Gong Yueming said: "I'm discussing our affairs with you, what to ask her for!"

"She is your sweetheart," Su Qiao said sarcastically, "If you don't mention her, why should you still mention me? You don't love me!"

"No, I love! The person I like is you!"

Gong Yueming pressed her so tightly that the air in her alveoli was about to be squeezed out.

He said: "You're right. I don't have deep feelings for Su Qiao. That's why I realized that I love her but don't want to save her. I didn't pay attention to this feeling until after she died. I once regarded you as Su Qiao. Qiao’s substitute, but Gongzi Yu appeared, Su Qiao’s memory appeared, they made me realize that I like you! Yes, the person I like is you! I love you!”

"What about Su Qiao? What is Su Qiao?"

Su Qiao looked straight at Gong Yueming, his confession made her sick.

"An image beautified by memory like first love," Gong Yueming said, "I have never actually had contact with Su Qiao, and my understanding of her is only superficial, just like the moonlight. Satisfying."

"But I am alive..."

Su Qiao bit her lips tightly. At this moment, she didn't know whether she was crying or laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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