Chapter 509

Today's work is relatively easy.

First go to the director Wang Jiaquan's studio to try on clothes and makeup, and then go to the shooting location of "A Gentleman's Life" in the afternoon to prepare for the photo shoot.The distance between the two shooting locations is no more than ten kilometers, and the conditions have been negotiated. If everything goes well, they can even call it a day and go home at [-] pm.

After confirming the itinerary, she touched the sick cat Qiuqiu and said, "You have to work hard today to look after the house."

Qiuqiu raised her eyes and looked at Su Qiao unhappily, as if saying: I want to go too!

The life assistant said: "Boss, just take it with you! Qiuqiu likes to be lively."

Su Qiao touched Fuqiu's face, and the little guy shamelessly stretched out his pink tongue to lick her fingers. The rough barbs rolled over her fingertips, feeling like a tickle.

"Take it with you."

Little Qiuqiu can understand human speech, and her tail wags like a festival.

Big Ball also wanted to go out, lying on the ground and shaking its iron-like tail unhappily.

Su Qiao knelt down, touched its big head, and said, "No, you are a national protected animal. If I take you out, you will be taken directly to the police station, and you will also be confiscated. You will be locked up in the zoo. The cage was visited by random people."

Big Ball lowered his head in frustration.

Su Qiao pinched its ears pamperingly, and said, "When I get rich, I'll buy you a mountain for you to play with!"


Da Qiuqiu finally cheered up a little.


Wang Jiaquan likes to take pictures of beauties, and is also good at taking pictures of beauties. Su Qiao came to his studio and saw the master's storyboard manuscripts all over the walls.


Looking at these sketches that were either a few strokes or lifelike, Su Qiao once again confirmed that Wang Jiaquan was a painter who was delayed by his career as a director.

Wang Jiaquan raised his head and asked Su Qiao, "Which one do you think looks the best?"

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "I can't make a judgment. Every picture is beautiful, especially these few pictures, which are particularly ethereal and artistic. Just by looking at the storyboard, you can imagine a scene."

The Wang family laughed.

He said: "I suddenly want to cooperate with you in a movie."

Su Qiao was shocked, covered her mouth and said, "Is it really possible! I can really—"

"If you are really as good as I expected, and you can complete my shooting tasks without compromise."

Wang Jiaquan's expression was very serious.

Su Qiao understood what he meant.

Most excellent directors are tyrants on the set. The first requirement for actors is obedience, followed by acting skills.Wang Jiaquan once had a very promising actor, and he taught him how to act, and finally got the actor out, but he started playing big names.Not only was he not big or small on the set, but he also contradicted Wang Jiaquan many times, thinking that certain movements were too difficult and shouldn't be done by the actor himself, or that the old man's shooting techniques were too much——

In the end, the actor was blocked by Wang Daodong because of his contradictory relationship, and after this incident, he no longer cared so much about nurturing and supporting the younger generation as in the past!

"I will do everything that satisfies Director Wang." Su Qiao said, "I will do my best to make up for the part that is deficient in nature. As long as Director Wang is willing to give me a chance."

"Even if I want you—"

"As long as it's within reason, I won't refuse." Su Qiao said, "Of course, if it's..."

"Who do you think I am!"

Wang Jiaquan took out a stack of storyboards and said to Su Qiao, "Let's take a look first! I'll try the play later!"

"So fast? Didn't you say you're just trying on clothes today?"

Su Qiao was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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