I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 511 The True Face of the Palace Family

Chapter 511 The True Face of the Palace Family (1)

Su Qiao nodded and said, "I adopted it when I was hospitalized some time ago, and its name is Qiuqiu."

"Why do you keep a cat, because you still miss your child?"

The man's sudden words made Su Qiao's breathing almost stagnate: "No, I don't—"

"If you want a child, I can give it to you," Gongzi Yu said. "You had frozen eggs in your previous life. We only need to thaw one egg and find another surrogate. Soon we will have our own child."

"That's Su Qiao's child, not mine!"

Su Qiao put on a straight face again, refusing to admit that she is Su Qiao.

"Aren't you Su Qiao?"

Young Master Yu let go, and the big white cat jumped down.

He stood up and put his fingers on Su Qiao's face: "I sincerely want to start over with you, don't reject me again."

"But I haven't had a past with you at all, I'm not the one you're looking for!"

Su Qiao emphasized again.

Gongzi Yu said: "It doesn't matter, you can be whoever you want, as long as you don't reject me again."


"Persistence is pointless," he said, "in the presence of power—"

"I don't love you, I don't want to know you, I don't want to know who you are."

Su Qiao stated again.

But as soon as she raised her middle finger, the man grabbed her hand, kissed her softly, and murmured, "You look cute when you raise your middle finger."

"Didn't the slap last time wake you up!"

Su Qiao was so angry that her hair trembled.

"Slap! Of course the slap didn't wake me up, it only made me feel more intoxicated."

While holding his right hand, he also grabbed her shoulders, and said oppressively: "Are you interested in going to the Gong's house to watch a good show?"

"What do you mean?"

"The matter of Gong Xinjie," said Gongzi Yu, "Susie has already driven to the old house of the Gong family according to my instructions, and Song Ronger will also go to the Gong family under my hint. When Susie said the fragments in front of everyone When the medicine flowed out of her hand and flowed into Song Rong'er's hand, what do you think the palace family will look like? Is it anger, shock, or is it expected?"

"...What does this have to do with you!"

Su Qiao was dying.

Young Master Yu said reluctantly: "Do you dare to make a bet with me? The betting family has long guessed that the real culprit is Song Rong'er, but they don't admit it, and they acquiesced to the Song family splashing dirty water on your head?"

"Why do I have to bet with you!"

Su Qiao sensed that the smell was wrong and tried to get away.

"Because you have no choice." Gongzi Yu said, "The purpose of my coming here today is to show you the true colors of the Gong family and how much they don't want to see you! Su Qiao, don't be stubborn anymore, Gong Yueming is not a man. It's worth your effort, and Mo Qiaoqiao's identity is not worth holding on to!"

"But I really don't understand what you're talking about!"

Su Qiao tried to be an ostrich, but Gong Ziyu grabbed her and dragged her into the car.


At night, deep in the cypress trees, the ancestral hall of the palace family is extremely solemn.

Su Qiao was led into the ancestral hall by Young Master Yu, and dozens of gazes shot towards her like swords!

The old lady was the first to attack: "What are you doing here! Who allowed you to come here!"

"I," said Gongzi Yu, "I brought her here to let her understand what her status is in the Gong family, and whether she should continue to stay in the Gong family."

"who are you?"

The old lady looked at Young Master Yu with a grim expression, but she was humble.

Gongzi Yu said: "I have many names, many kinds of titles, and now the name Gongzi Yu is used the most, and some people like to call me Buddha."

After the word "Buddha" came out, Gong Shouri stood up: "Why are you here!"

(End of this chapter)

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