Chapter 515 Divorce! (2)


Gong Yueming was so angry that he almost slapped him backhand.

But he didn't hit it, because Gong Shouri had already slapped the armrest with his palm!

"Good! What a good daughter-in-law!"

He said to the adjutant: "Divorce them! Immediately! Immediately!"


"No but, I want it now!"

The old man was shaking with anger.

Su Qiao, on the other hand, looked disapproving and said, "I can't wish for it!"

Gong Yueming was speechless with anger.

He held back the anger that was about to erupt, dragged Su Qiao aside, and said, "The Gong family has two rules! First, those who hurt the Gong family must die without a place to bury them! Second, the Gong family is not allowed to talk to each other. Massacre, those who disobey the order will see blood. How much effort did I make to get the Gong family to stop discussing this matter, but in the end you——do you want to piss me off!"

"No," Su Qiao said, "When the divorce certificate is in my hands, I will no longer be a member of the Gong family. My life and death have nothing to do with you."

She was already very disappointed with the Gong family, and the only thing she was lucky about was that the man took proper contraceptive measures, so she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant with a man's child.

"It has nothing to do with me! Because you climbed the high branch of Young Master Yu?"

Gong Yueming's smile was cold and intriguing.

Su Qiao looked straight into his eyes and said, "Isn't this exactly what you want? You deliberately get me involved with Young Master Yu time and time again, you... woo..."

Her lips were sealed suddenly, and obvious anger rolled across Su Qiao's face.

The man didn't care, he ignored the situation and forced her to kiss her, forcing her to the corner, there was no way to retreat——


Su Qiao bit Gong Yueming's lips, her blood-stained face was delicate and resolute, she said, "Don't touch me again! Get out!"

The suddenly raised voice made everyone in the ancestral hall turn their heads to look at them.

Su Qiao met their gaze fearlessly, and said: "In the eyes of all of you, you think Gong Yueming is blind when he looks at me. He is handsome, noble, talented and has a bright future! But what does this have to do with me? In my eyes, he is a kidnapper, a raper, and a domestic violence man! He is the worst and most disgusting man in the world! He can be raped if he is handsome! He can be kidnapped and imprisoned if he is rich and powerful! The terrible thing is that the law can't punish him. Instead, I, the victim, was forced and beaten! I have to kneel on the ground and thank Long En! Otherwise, I don't know what to do! I'm sorry, I've had enough of this kind of life! I won't I will cooperate with you to swallow your anger!"

"Well said, get a divorce!"

Zuo Quanyue's voice suddenly sounded, and beside him was Young Master Yu standing with his hands behind his back.

Young Master Yu walked up to Su Qiao and said in a low voice, "Congratulations, you finally figured it out. From today on, let me protect you."

Su Qiao didn't reply.

Zuo Quanyue took out a stack of documents and said to Gong Shouri: "These are the documents needed for divorce, you should read and sign them!"

Gong Shouri looked at the letterhead of the document, and signed the part that required his own signature.

Afterwards, the document was handed over to Su Qiao, and Su Qiao simply signed it, and handed the document to Gong Yueming.

Gong Yueming took the document, crumpled it up with his backhand and threw it into the decorative fireplace!
Gong Shouri got angry and said, "What do you mean! Are you going to disobey me!"

Gong Yueming said: "I love her! I won't let her go!"

"But I'm going to let go," Su Qiao said, "I've never had any love for you, at most I have a little gratitude! Fortunately, you've been treating me so badly all year, let me treat you a little Thank you all for dying! Now, I have nothing but hatred for you, no love!"

(End of this chapter)

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