Chapter 518 Divorce! (5)

"No, it's not arrogance, it's because I know how capable I am!"

Long Jiuzhong's voice sounded coldly, and then he threw something in the shape of a glass bottle.

Gong Yueming firmly caught the thing thrown from behind, took a closer look, and was stunned!

"What is this! Eyeballs?"

"Yes, the eyeball of a living person."

Long Jiuzhong walked over with a smile, under the pale corridor light, the embroidery on the robe shone sharply.

He walked slowly in front of Young Master Yu and said, "This time, brother didn't let you down, right?"

Young Master Yu smiled and said, "My brother is indeed the best person in the world to me."

Then he said to Gong Yueming: "When I was not found by the believers and became the son Yu, my real name was Long Yu, and I had an older brother named Long Xin. But the name Long Xin was very unattractive, so he changed it to Became Long Jiuzhong!"

"I'm not interested in your name change history!"

Gong Yueming shook the eyeballs of the living people kept in the glass dish, and said, "Whose!"

"What do you say?"

Long Jiuzhong smiled slightly, with the cunning of a fox and the cruelty of a wolf.

"You hurt her again and again, how can I tolerate you! This eyeball is taken from the left eye of your closest uncle. If you don't believe it, you can call the embassy in country M immediately, and they will tell you , Gong Qianming has been missing for more than 24 hours!"


"Sign it!"

Long Jiuzhong threw out the divorce papers: "If you don't sign within an hour, the Gong family will receive a cross-country express delivery tomorrow morning, which contains... something bigger than one of Gong Qianming's eyes! "

"You scare me!"

Gong Yueming looked at Long Jiuzhong mockingly.

He took out his lighter, ready to ignite the divorce papers again.

Long Jiuzhong was very surprised, and said: "You really don't care about your uncle's life or death! He is the only one in the Gong family who supports you to be with her!"

"Because I know he supports us being together, I can't even sign!"

The lighter had lit a corner of the divorce papers, and the flames shot up, illuminating the man's face flickeringly.

Young Master Yu sneered and said, "Okay! Well done! But even if you burn the divorce papers, you still can't let Qiaoqiao's heart return to you! Do you know why Su Qiao would rather die than forgive me! Because I once forced her Had a miscarriage! She is a woman who cares about her family, and to her, children are more important than anything else!"


"I'm just threatening you, why, aren't you satisfied!"

Young Master Yu was originally a dragon among men, if it wasn't for Su Qiao's reasons, how could he not have been cruel to Gong Yueming so far.Now, Su Qiao finally decided to give up, and he would no longer care about his past feelings.

"The divorce certificate can be postponed, but the pretty heart will never come back! You should weigh it carefully!"

Gong Yueming's words made Gong Yueming stop the lighter.

The half-length divorce agreement was burned and fluttered between his fingers, looking distressed and embarrassed.

Long Jiuzhong said: "I am a father who has no position, but the matter between you and Qiaoqiao - Gong Yueming, give up! Stop struggling in vain! It will only harm others and yourself! Of course, if you die, I will die." I don't care! I only care about her pretty body, and - her young child!"

"You admit she's your daughter? But she's also—"

Gong Yueming didn't understand Long Jiuzhong's ambiguous attitude.

Long Jiuzhong said: "She is my daughter and also the rebirth of my brother's most important woman. The double meaning is the most important."

"I understand your feeling of protecting her," Gong Yueming said, "but you don't think—they are together..."

(End of this chapter)

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