Chapter 539 Killed (2)

The villa was empty, there was no guard at the gate, the door was wide open, and the living room was dim. Ou Zifan sat decadently in the middle of the sofa, his eyes were lifeless, his hands were weak, and there was a corpse lying under his feet, it was Ou Ying.

Su Qiao walked across the sofa, walked up to Ou Zifan, and asked sharply, "What's going on!"

"I killed! I killed!"

Ou Zifan spoke in horror, raised his head, his pupils were dilated, like a dead person.

Su Qiao couldn't see his wooden expression, so she grabbed him and "slapped" him twice!

The slap made Ou Zifan's ashen eyes finally light up. He looked at Su Qiao in pain and said, "I killed people! I killed my father! I...I..."

His voice was muffled like a wounded wolf.

Su Qiao then took the initiative to hug him and patted his shoulder: "Cry if you want to! It's always a bad feeling to kill someone for the first time."


"I am by your side, and I will accompany you through the difficulties..."

Su Qiao said comfortingly, Ou Zifan's mood gradually stabilized, and tears flowed out like bursting a bank.

"...I'm sorry, I'm such a useless man. As an older brother, I can't protect my sister well, and as a son, I can't be filial to my father...I...I'm really useless...I...I..."

"But at least you still have me..."

Saying so, Su Qiao hugged Ou Zifan tightly, letting him cry with his own body temperature.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, Ou Zifan finally regained his emotions. He raised his head, wiped his eyes, and looked at the cold dead body, and said to Su Qiao, "I didn't intend to kill him."

Su Qiao said, "I know, I believe you didn't mean to kill him."

"But I was the one who shot."

Ou Zifan lowered his head, he has not let go of the gun in his hand until now.

Su Qiao lowered her head and saw the gun in his hand.

She opened the Kun bag, took out the Hermès silk scarf, took the gun with Ou Zifan's fingerprints through the silk scarf, wrapped it carefully, and put it in the bag.

Ou Zifan was puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"

Su Qiao said: "Destroy evidence, and create evidence!"

"What's the meaning?!"

After all, Ou Zifan is an ordinary person who has never experienced bloody storms. He can deal with disputes in the mall independently, but he doesn't know how to deal with murder cases perfectly.

"You are my most important relative, you can't go to jail," Su Qiao said, "Understood!"

"But I did kill him, I... I... because he said..."

"What did he say?"

Su Qiao, who had known for a long time that Ou Zifan might not be Ou Ying's biological son, asked nervously.

Ou Zifan said: "He said that I am not his son, I am a bastard born from Xia Jinfeng's affair with a wild man! He raised me, because Xia Jinfeng held the handle to kill him, and Ou Qianjiao was his biological daughter. With my aunt's daughter..."

"Do you believe it?" Su Qiao asked Ou Zifan back.

Ou Zifan was silent.

Su Qiao said: "A daughter who came out of the belly of a woman who had an affair with her uncle casually, her blood is more acceptable than yours! Besides, Xia Jinfeng... I admit that I hate Xia Jinfeng, but she has always been true to you. Well done. And your character... Some of your behaviors are indeed very similar to Ou Ying... Most importantly, the genetic report can't lie! You and Ou Qianjiao are indeed not blood relatives!"

When she said "not blood relatives", Su Qiao felt the pleasure of revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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