Chapter 542 Framing (1)

The news that Ou Ying was killed in a villa in the suburbs spread quickly on the Internet, and various opinions were abuzz.

Some people said that he was revenged for offending the rich and powerful, others said that he owed usury and was chased by gangsters, and some even swore that he believed in a cult, and that this was a cult ritual.

In short, almost everyone regarded this incident as an anecdote. After all, the chairman of one of the largest entertainment companies in Huaxia was burned to death in his villa, and the death condition was rumored to be horrible. No matter how you think about it, it is abnormal.

Who killed him and why?The methods are so cruel, and the actions are so secretive!
For a while, rumors spread.

On the cusp of this storm, Ou Shi was completely silent.


In front of the two-meter-high full-length mirror, Ou Zifan adjusted his appearance for the last time. He was very uneasy and even a little panicked.

He said to Su Qiao, "You really don't want to get back what belongs to you?"

Su Qiao said: "Uncle's love is the best wealth that the Ou family gave me, the rest is up to you to deal with!"


Su Qiao raised her eyes, looked at Ou Zifan who was still anxious, and said, "Don't worry, it will pass!"

Ou Zifan nodded, and the two of them walked out of the lounge together, and walked into the top-floor meeting room under martial law!

The atmosphere of the conference hall was exceptionally solemn. The twenty major shareholders of the Ou family and the main family members of the Ou family were all sitting inside in black, with serious expressions and greedy eyes!

They all came overnight after receiving the news of Ou Ying's death.

In the murderous room, the roar of swords could be faintly heard.

Ou Zifan walked into the meeting room as the host of the meeting. Before he could speak, Ou Qianjiao saw Su Qiao behind him!

The eldest lady immediately stood up, pointed at Su Qiao's nose and cursed: "What are you! What qualifications do you have to come here! Get out!"

"I am the adopted daughter of Ou Que, and I have the same legal status as you."

Su Qiao walked to Ou Qianjiao's side and sat down gracefully.

"But you've—"

"What I signed and renounced six years ago was the right to inherit Ou Que's property, not the status of the adopted daughter of the Ou family." Su Qiao said, "As long as I have breath, my relationship with the Ou family will never be severed. "

"She's so shameless and speaks so aboveboard, she really is an actor!"

Ou Qianjiao snorted mockingly.

Su Qiao didn't have the same knowledge as her, so she raised her head and gave Ou Zifan an encouraging smile.

Ou Zifan touched his collar, stood up, and said to everyone present, "Father is dead."

Suddenly there were small discussions in the meeting hall.

Everyone present knew that Ou Ying was not a good person, and he had done countless dirty things in the past six years in charge of Ou Clan, but he was the head coach of the Ou family after all, so there was no need to question his ability.Where would Ou Shi go without him at the helm?
Everyone looked at Ou Zifan.

Director Chen, the oldest and most qualified director, took the lead in attacking: "Zi Fan, besides announcing your father's death, is there anything else to do in today's emergency board meeting?"

"Of course there is!"

Ou Zifan suppressed the panic in his heart, and said to everyone: "Father was murdered! I called the police before I came. No matter how deep the man behind the scenes is, I will dig him out! Let him die for his life!"

"Avenging his father is a good son, but these things don't seem to have much to do with us!"

The directors showed obvious indifference.

Ou Zifan took a deep breath and said, "Yes, this has nothing to do with you uncles! All uncles gathered here want only one thing - the status of Ou Shi's commander-in-chief!"

The mind was exposed, and everyone showed fake smiles.

 Qiaoqiao will become darker and stronger in the future, hehehe~~~
(End of this chapter)

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