I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 547 Ou Qianjiao Runs Away

Chapter 547 Ou Qianjiao Runs Away

On the other side, the security personnel who received the news ran out of the building, but they couldn't find Ou Qianjiao who should have been smashed into a bloody mess.

The ground was very clean, no blood or corpses, not even shoes.Ou Qianjiao seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without a trace!


The Ou family was shocked.

Su Qiao was already prepared and said to Ou Zifan: "Sure enough, it was a deliberate murder. The people who should be connected have already been arranged. The so-called jumping off a building is just a show!"


"Call the police." Su Qiao said, "No matter what, she embezzled public funds, bribed officials, threatened artists... These are facts, and her disappearance is also a fact..."

"But once these things are exposed, it will be Ou Shi who will be damaged."

The old men showed reluctance.

Su Qiao said, "Are you keeping things in your stomach?"

"For the face of the Ou family and for the stability of the Ou family, we have no choice!"

"It's like when you knew that someone was behind the car accident and insisted that it was just a car accident! Isn't that right!"

Su Qiao was very angry.

These stubborn old people from the Ou family are completely shameless.

But the old people don't feel that they are shameless. They said to Su Qiao with a face full of lessons: "This is not a compromise, this is maturity! When you really grow up, you will understand how correct our choices were and are now. !"

"I don't think I'll ever have the chance to figure it out."

Su Qiao's expression was indifferent.

She said to Long Nan, "Let's go."

Ou Zifan hurriedly said, "I'll take you home."

Su Qiao said: "No need, you just took over as Ou's commander-in-chief, and you must have a lot of things to deal with. Long Nan is a master of the dragon team. With him by my side, I am safe."

Ou Zifan had no choice but to say to Long Nan: "Be careful on the road."


Back at the apartment, Su Qiao was about to take a rest when suddenly a tall man walked up to Long Nan and whispered something, which made Long Nan's baby face turn cold.

Su Qiao saw that his expression was not right, and asked, "What happened?"

"It's nothing, I lost someone." Long Nan said lightly, "Ou Qianjiao lost it."

"Did Ou Qianjiao lose it?"

Su Qiao didn't understand Long Nan's words.

Long Nan explained: "I arranged fake policemen outside the Ou's Chamber, and outside the Ou's Building to ensure that Ou Qianjiao finally fell into our hands. But just now, the person in charge of responding at the safe house told me, The car escorting Ou Qianjiao didn't arrive on time, and everyone in the car died except Ou Qianjiao, and the car was doused with gasoline and set on fire!"

"Who did it!"

Su Qiao realized that something was terribly wrong.

Long Nan said: "I don't know, but looking at the world, there are not many people with such financial resources, manpower and material resources! The most important thing is, they know that what they are doing is against the dragon group, and they dare to do it!"

"Sure enough, Ou Qianjiao is not clean either!"

Su Qiao sneered.

Long Nan said: "I don't think Ou Qianjiao has this ability, these people are probably targeting the dragon group or the young lady!"

"Aim at the dragon group or me..."

Su Qiao showed a pensive expression.

She thought of a certain possibility: Could it be...

"Find someone to monitor Song Rong'er immediately! This incident may have something to do with her!"

Hearing this, Long Nan showed a surprised expression: "Song Rong'er? I thought you would suspect that Gong Yueming was deliberately embarrassing you."

Hearing this, Su Qiao shook her head and said, "If it was Gong Yueming, he didn't need to keep Ou Qianjiao alive. Instead, it was Song Ronger..."

(End of this chapter)

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