I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 578 The Wolf Is Coming

Chapter 578 The Wolf Is Coming (1)

"I'll be very happy to show that you don't care as much as you say!"

Gong Yueming said ruthlessly, pressing her tightly, sowing more seeds into her body.

Su Qiao reluctantly endured it, and while the man's shoulder was touching his collarbone, she whispered in her ear: "I will wear the same dress as the heroine to attend your engagement banquet...Will you mistake my fiancée and give me an engagement ring? "

"If you dare to wear it like this, I will dare to do it!"

Gong Yueming's face is also extremely kind.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Qiao's mouth: "Okay, let's turn your engagement banquet into the biggest scandal in the history of the Gong family together!"


An hour later, the break ended and filming resumed.

Because of the man's evil deeds, Su Qiao couldn't help being sore in front of the camera, and her brows were soft. Wang Jiaquan saw the problem, but didn't call for a stop.

Huarun also excitedly held up the camera and kept taking pictures as if he had been pumped.

The two geniuses in the field of art climbed onto the scaffolding and lay down on the ground as sweeping robots... All kinds of strange postures made Su Qiao think to herself that the Department of Photography and the Department of Directing are good places to get crazy.

After finally finishing the poster shooting, Su Qiao wanted to go home and take a shower right away, but just as she was about to move her numb leg, Wang Jiaquan called to stop her, saying, "What happened during the rest period of the previous hour? Such a big change?"

"...Director Wang..."

Su Qiao showed a surprised look. In his memory, the Wang family was famously cold and stern and didn't like to ask personal matters.

Wang Jiaquan saw Su Qiao's curiosity and said, "I don't care about your private life, I just want to know about your mood change!"

"Mood change?"

"Yes, your state of mind has changed," Wang Jiaquan said, "The camera can't hide secrets. The changes in you in the camera are very obvious. Both your temperament and inner nature are changing, as if you are another person..."

"That's acting," Su Qiao said, "After an hour of deliberation, I realized a new acting skill..."

"Really? Let me just treat everything as acting!"

Wang Jiaquan's expression was a little subtle.

Su Qiao felt even more guilty.


After finishing work, Su Qiao took a shower, changed into her own clothes, and went home with her manager.

Walking into the garage, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was very abnormal!

"Do you feel cold?" she asked Simon, "as cold as a freezer?"

"The underground garage is always colder than other places, so don't think too much about it, just turn on the heating when you get in the car."

Simon spoke casually, and took out the car keys.

The lights came on, and the two walked towards the car one after the other.


The cold wind is blowing, and there is a chill in the air!

A snake-like breath flew over, and Su Qiao shouted instinctively: "Lie down! Someone is going to kill me!"

Ximen rushed over and overwhelmed Su Qiao!

The lights in the garage suddenly went out, and Su Qiao smelled the smell of blood as thunder rolled across from above!
who!to kill me!
Fortunately, the lights in the garage came back on immediately, and she struggled to open the west door, which she chose to protect herself at a critical moment, and said, "It's all right!"

Simon smiled weakly and said, "Fortunately, that thing—be careful!"

The lights went out again, and the rolling thunder flashed again. The difference is that Su Qiao saw the attack clearly!

A beast!
a wolf!

Depend on!
Taking advantage of the short time when the lights were restored, Su Qiao dragged Ximen into the car, sat in the driver's seat, and said while starting the car, "Sit tight!"

(End of this chapter)

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