I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 584 Identified Daughter-in-law

Chapter 584 Identified Daughter-in-law

"Why are you so persistent in breaking up with me!"

Gong Yueming was angry: "What's wrong with being with me! Whether you want money or sex or anything else, as long as you ask, I can satisfy you!"

"Money, I have a lot; sex, as long as he and I protect ourselves, we can enjoy it to our heart's content;" Su Qiao turned around and said to Gong Yueming, "I am with you purely to conceive a child."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be jealous and kill him?"

Gong Yueming's voice was ferocious.

Su Qiao said, "Don't be afraid, because you can't do it."

Gong Yueming was out of breath, and said: "I haven't done it yet, how do you know I can't do it!"

Su Qiao said: "Because I don't love you anymore! Even if you really kill him, I can still look for the second spring and the third spring! Now that I have money, good looks and status, I just beckon to any man I want." thing!"

"But they don't love you! They're only with you for your money! You're so self-deprecating, don't love your man, find a man who fucks you for money! This is old and ugly and has nothing but money What an old man would do!"

Gong Yueming trembled with anger.

Su Qiao said: "I'm sorry, I'd rather believe a man who fucked me comfortably for money than you, a man who claims to love me! I don't believe any love you say. "

"But you still want my seed! For my seed, you tried your best to seduce me!"

Gong Yueming's voice carried a deep self-mockery.

Su Qiao said nonchalantly: "Because you have good genes is an objective fact. To be precise, you have no other merits besides good genes."

She put on the necklace in front of the mirror and walked out of the ward.

In the corridor, she passed Susie.

Su Qiao then deliberately stopped and said, "Did you have a good time last night? By comforting the irritated Mrs. Gong, your position in the Gong family has once again been consolidated."

The corner of Susie's mouth twitched, and she said, "It's a pity that the daughter-in-law she believes in is Song Rong'er, but she just said that she doesn't care about family status, as long as the woman is innocent and educated."

"Isn't this obvious? Even if a famous family is in ruins, they won't want a woman from a humble background." Su Qiao said, "The so-called don't care about the family status, but the royal family doesn't mind marrying the earl. The daughter of the * family is also eligible to marry in."

"Are you taking revenge on me on purpose!"

Su Qian asked Su Qiao: "Because I hurt you before? But in that case, I have no choice at all! Either I end up with you, or I hurt you to keep each other... I chose to hurt you after serious consideration." Keep us all from..."

"Don't mention the past again," Su Qiao said, "I've already put it down."

Susie said: "But you blame me in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't bring this up again and again."

Su Qiao smiled, noncommittal.

Susie saw someone appearing at the corner of the corridor, so she didn't say any more. The two looked at each other and left without a word.


At noon, Ximen woke up from general anesthesia. Seeing that he was finally awake, Su Qiao felt relieved, and said, "The doctor said you had a spinal split, but fortunately no nerves or bone marrow were injured."

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

Simon looked around and said, "You didn't call the police, did you?"

Su Qiao said: "I'm not stupid, how can I call the police for this kind of thing! At most, I entrust a master to solve it privately!"

"Your decision is correct." Simon said, "The reporter over there—"

The sudden hospitalization of an artist's agent may easily arouse the curiosity of reporters.

(End of this chapter)

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