I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 594 Threat to the retoucher

Chapter 594 Threat to the retoucher

The retoucher for A Gentleman's Life finally got in touch.

When the assistant found him, he had just completed the resignation procedures and walked out of the building holding his personal belongings.

"Hello," Su Qiao walked over, took off her sunglasses, and said, "I am the actress on the cover of the upcoming issue of "A Gentleman's Life."

"I know you, you are Mo Qiaoqiao, the newly promoted goddess of tiger attack."

The retoucher's face was full of decadence.

Su Qiao pointed to the coffee shop beside her and said, "Can we talk in another place?"

"of course can."

The retoucher obviously knew why she was looking for him, and readily agreed.

Su Qiao and her assistant led the retoucher into the coffee shop and ordered cappuccino and marble cake.

While waiting for coffee, Su Qiao asked the retoucher, "Why did you resign suddenly? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"You already guessed it, why are you asking me?"

The retoucher put on the expression that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Su Qiao said, "I want to know why?"

"You are not my type, I defend my aesthetic—"

"No, that's not a reason," Su Qiao interrupted the retoucher, ""A Gentleman's Life" has only one principle for choosing the cover actress, red. Why can you retouch other people's faces with all your heart and responsibility, but only me photos, you have to deliberately go to..."

"I don't like you by nature, is that okay!"

The retoucher forcibly interrupted Su Qiao's words.

Su Qiao's expression was slightly surprised, and she said, "You didn't tell the truth."

"...But the truth is not important anymore, I have resigned! There will be a new retoucher on the cover to do PS for you!"

The retoucher pulled the tie uncomfortably, and said, "Why are you so stingy, woman? You just made your face look ugly! You even came to me!"

Su Qiao smiled and said, "Because I want to know why you hate me, and you are even willing to lose your job for me. Who told you to do this!"

"No one, it's my aesthetic..."

"Stop worrying about it for others, she may not find you a new job."

Long Nan stood behind the retoucher, with a cute but murderous smile.

Su Qiao also said: "I just wanted to know who hacked me this time, and I didn't plan to ask that person for an explanation. If everyone who hacked me had to ask her to settle accounts, then should I still live? gone?"


The retoucher looked hesitant.

Su Qiao pushed out a card and said: "There is 5 yuan in it, as long as you name the person who ordered you, it will be yours."

"Fifty thousand..."

The retoucher began to waver.

Su Qiao looked at Long Nan, who smiled and said, "Brother, you can continue to reject my boss's proposal, I don't mind. But you will inevitably have to pay a price for refusing, you have to think clearly. It is 5 yuan Brighten the future, or get hit by an unlicensed earth-moving truck when you go out?"


The retoucher finally couldn't take it anymore.

Su Qiao hit the iron while the iron was hot, and said, "You should have heard a lot of rumors about my background. I can tell you responsibly that they are all true. It's going to rise up all of a sudden, isn't it?"

"I'm just an ordinary person, I just take orders from others, I just..."

"Say, who is it!"

Su Qiao's voice suddenly turned cold.

The retoucher couldn't control his fear and said tremblingly, "Yes... yes... it's Ms. Ye! Ms. Ye asked me to do it!"

"Miss Ye! Which Miss Ye? Ye Li or Ye Qiao!"

Su Qiao only knew these two Miss Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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