I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 601 Sun Ningli Began to Be a Demon

Chapter 601 Sun Ningli Began to Be a Demon

"He will only be my child in this life, and has nothing to do with you or Young Master Yu!"

The woman breathes out like blue, but the man's heart is burning.

He said: "You are a worse woman than I expected, vengeful, shameless, and ruthless!"

"You're wrong, all I did was what a woman would do after being hurt!" Su Qiao bit his ear, "Women are more emotional than men, so revenge after being hurt will be more direct."

"You... are really a person-"


After a long time, it is finally over.

Gong Yueming poured a glass of whiskey and said to Su Qiao: "What do you want me to do to let me go! Or forgive me!"

"Do you need forgiveness? You just need a slap."

Su Qiao poured herself a glass of red wine.

She stood sideways in front of the moonlit window sill, raised her wine glass high, and let the bright red liquid slide down her throat and spilled on the ground.

"What are you planning to do?" Gong Yueming asked.

Su Qiao turned her head, glanced at him, and said, "Don't do anything, you want to be hypocritical, can't you!"

But she spoke casually, but Gong Yueming felt an inexplicable throbbing pain. He raised his head and looked at the woman under the moonlight.

"Why? Why is it obviously not Su Qiao, but she keeps talking to me in Su Qiao's tone!"

"The best and most effective way to destroy a man is to destroy his beliefs."

Su Qiao walked to the bed, put her foot on his lap, held his chin, and said, "You believe in science, and firmly believe that the soul is just an illusion of consciousness. But when you look at me, you can really stick to your Atheism, no rebirth?"

"Yes, I can!"


Su Qiao lowered her head, her red lips left a little mark on his forehead, and her hands also stroked his muscles along his collar.

"Your heart has already begun to waver."

"No, my heart never wavered."

He grabbed her hand, turned over and held her down, exhaling ambiguously: "It's here that shakes..."


The next day, before dawn, Su Qiao woke Gong Yueming up: "You can go!"

"Why! In the morning—"

"Don't forget that I'm a public figure!"

Su Qiao's attitude is strong and she cannot refuse.

Gong Yueming looked indifferent, got up slowly, and changed his clothes.

Seeing his casual attitude, Su Qiao was in a bad mood, but because of the disparity in physical strength, she had to bear with it and said, "There are cakes in the refrigerator, if you are hungry, you can take them!"

"In this house, I'm only interested in things that smell of you."

Gong Yueming spoke frankly, and walked into the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of splashing water.

After Gong Yueming walked into the bathroom, Su Qiao also got up, and walked into the kitchen like sleepwalking to search for food in the refrigerator.


"Who are you!"

"Ah! I don't see anything!"

Suddenly, a woman's scream came from behind.

Su Qiao hurriedly followed the sound, and saw that the bedroom door was wide open, and Sun Ningli was standing inside, covering her face and shouting, "I'm sorry! I didn't know there was anyone in there! I didn't see anything!"

The sound of the water was still splashing, Gong Yueming walked out wrapped in a towel with a speechless face, and said to Su Qiao, "Who is she!"

"My high school classmate..."

Su Qiao walked up to Sun Ningli and said, "Go out first and let him get dressed!"

Sun Ningli blushed and walked out of the bedroom, apologizing continuously as she walked: "I'm sorry, I... I didn't do it on purpose... The toilet in my room is broken, I thought you were the one taking a bath..."

"I know you didn't mean to."

(End of this chapter)

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