Chapter 620
Maybe it's just because my heart was broken by him!
She grabbed Gong Yueming's shoulder and said, "You are a god, and everything develops as you see. What is Mo Qiaoqiao, but a mindless vase! Su Qiao is not even a thing. He even helped to count the money after selling it.”

" are not allowed to insult—"

Gong Yueming was rarely excited.

"Don't you think so in your heart!"

Su Qiao retorted, and every sentence was as sharp as a knife: "In your eyes, I am just a brainless vase, you can manipulate it however you want. You are angry because you found out that I, who in your eyes IQ is less than ten The pig’s IQ is over [-], you think you’ve been cheated. You agreed to be an idiot, but you’re actually mentally handicapped!”

"Shut up! Are you courting death?"

Gong Yueming's dignity was hurt by her words, and he couldn't control it.

Su Qiao continued: "You're smart, aren't you? You're good at psychology, aren't you? Then can you guess which of my obedience to you is really what I want, and which is deliberately deceiving you?"

"I just know you're playing with fire!"

Gong Yueming's voice began to crackle secretly.

However, Su Qiao raised a brand new question here: "Did you know that as long as a woman is willing, she can easily control the relationship between men and women? Even if a man's IQ exceeds [-], a woman's IQ is only [-]..."

"You are so eager to be me..."

Men can't control it.

When the man was about to lose control, Su Qiao unexpectedly escaped from a loach skater.

Long Nan, who had already arrived near her via GPS, immediately got out of the car to cover her back to the nanny's car.

When he was ready to go, he was maliciously released by a woman, and met with a professional assassin blocking the way, Gong Yueming was so angry that he was almost purple.


Long Nan succeeded after the break, and quickly caught up with the nanny car.

Su Qiao asked the driver to stop, Long Nan put the remodeled locomotive into the trunk, opened a bottle of cold beer, took a sip, and said, "Aren't you afraid that your man will go crazy if you play like this?"

"His energy is so good, how could he be easily crippled."

Su Qiao rolled her eyes, she was the one who really worked hard, the jerk man would throw her temper at every turn, regardless of whether she liked it or not.

Long Nan was recalled by Su Qiao's words, touched his chin and said, "That's right, the man from the Gong family is really strong, a real male dog waist."

"Miss Gong Qianming?"

Su Qiao is actually very interested in the affairs of Gong Qianming and Long Nan.

Long Nan said with a dry smile: "Who would miss him, I miss his cunt!"

"Isn't that missing him?!"

Long Nan hesitated and said: "It's different! The nature is completely different! I don't like his face at all! What I like is his whole person."

"The whole person? When did your relationship come to this point?!"

Su Qiao became very interested in their affairs.

"Emotional matters are not up to me." Long Nan said slowly, "Accidentally meeting the right person, even at a wrong time... I can only go on honestly and get better." .”

"...You are so straightforward."

Su Qiao is actually very interested in Long Nan's frankness and relationship history.

"I'm an old driver, why pretend? To be honest, I just want to pretend, but I don't necessarily know how to pretend."

Long Nan showed a wry smile: "If I do too many things that take people's lives, I really don't know what to do...Maybe it's only the part that involves love, I still...still keep a little sincerity..."

Su Qiao couldn't help being curious: "Hey, when was your first date and who...that..."

(End of this chapter)

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