I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 627 Evil Spirit

Chapter 627 Evil Spirit (3)

"I knew my father was not such a ruthless person."

Su Qiao was very pleased.

Long Nan's expression was a bit complicated.

He said, "Actually, I don't mind Long Shou handing me over."

"Why? Do you know how much the old man and the old lady of the Gong family dote on Gong Qianming! Take a step back and say, even if Gong Qianming is just the most ordinary palace family member, you gouged his eyes, according to the palace family's exclusive and protective character, 100% will not let you go."

Su Qiao was stunned.

But Long Nan said: "I know, I know that the Gong family doesn't have any good people, and if it falls into their hands, life would be worse than death. But if Long Shou handed me over, I wouldn't hate Long Shou either."

"Why do you talk like that? Could it be that father has revealed that he wants to hand you over?"

Su Qiao wished she could ask Long Jiuzhong immediately.

Long Nan said: "In Longshou's heart, the most important people are Buddha and you. If the palace uses you as a bargaining chip, Longshou will 100% agree."

"So far, I haven't fallen into the situation of being used as a bargaining chip by the Gong family." Su Qiao said, "You are safe."

A faint smile floated on the corner of Long Nan's mouth, he suddenly reached out his hand, stroked Su Qiao's brow, and said, "A drop of red here must be beautiful."

Su Qiao was puzzled.

Long Nan moved his hand away and said, "I'm going back to Europe to perform other tasks next month."

"What about me? Who is responsible for my safety?"

Long Nan smiled and said: "Long Shou cares so much about you, he will definitely shoot someone stronger than me to protect you."

Su Qiao then reached out to straighten Long Nan's collar and said, "Be careful!"

Long Nan said, "I'm a gold medal killer."


After finishing the preparations for tomorrow, Su Qiao is ready to go to bed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Su Qiao said, "Come in."

It's Mana.

After the incident in the bathroom, when Su Qiao saw Mana, her first reaction was to see if this body was a real person or an evil spirit, and whether it was tainted with the aura of ashes from hell.

She looked Mana up and down in panic, and Mana felt uncomfortable when she looked at her, and said, "What are you looking at! Do I have flowers on my face!"

Su Qiao said, "Okay, now I can confirm that you are Mana."

Mana was even more upset when she heard this, she put a bottle of stuff heavily on the table, and said, "Old rules, paint it yourself!"

"Me and him are no longer—"

Su Qiao frowned.

Mana sneered, and said, "Who told you to put it on? This is an exorcism potion specially prepared by His Highness Yu for you, and it can also eliminate the traces left by evil spirits on your body!"

"I see."

Su Qiao picked up the bottle, opened it, and smelled blood: "This is..."

"Your Highness Yu really dotes on you. Knowing that you are haunted by evil spirits, he specially cut your blood to make medicine for you." Mana said angrily, "Don't worry, I didn't add poison to it."

"I know you won't do anything to offend him..."

Su Qiao carefully took out a little dark red liquid and applied it on her legs.

The blood was quickly absorbed by the skin, and the burn marks disappeared without a trace.

Mana looked at Su Qiao's skin absorbing blood, and said, "You are so hypocritical. If I were treated like this by His Highness Yu, I would have agreed to everything. What is sex, can it compare to his love?"

"That's your idea, not mine."

Su Qiao pretended to be heartless and continued to smear blood on her body to eliminate traces of evil spirits, but her heart was fluctuating.

When Gongzi Yu promised not to have any cross-line relationship with her without permission, she didn't take his promise seriously.He was noble since he was a child, and he developed a willful habit. He can get what he wants and never wrongs himself.

But this time, he did it, better than he promised.

(End of this chapter)

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