I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 635 Slapping Face at the Engagement Banquet

Chapter 635 Slapping Face at the Engagement Banquet (3)

The person who started talking first heard that their tone of voice was unusual, and couldn't help but look carefully, and found that these two people turned out to be——

I thought that the son of the Gong family was handsome enough, but I didn't expect this man's appearance and facial features to be as good as Gong Yueming's, and he was more cold and noble and calm and powerful.What was especially rare was that his eyes turned out to be a rare violet color, adding to his already extraordinary appearance a bit of mystery.

The woman standing next to him is no less noble than the man. Her facial features are neat and charming, her eyes are naturally moist, and the man can't help but sigh "beautiful" because of her petite figure, but her Although the figure is sexy and enchanting, it has a special taste when paired with a pure and hazy face. Let alone a man, even a woman can't help but pay attention to it.

"Where did this pair of talented men and women come from! It looks like they should be distinguished guests, but why haven't I seen them before?"

Not only the person who spoke just now, but almost everyone in the meeting who had met Young Master Yu and Su Qiao murmured in their hearts.

Intuition told them that the presence of these two people probably did not have a good thing.But no one had the courage to speak to them when they passed by with radiant faces.


Su Qiao sensed the unfriendliness in the air, and said to Young Master Yu, "They don't seem to welcome us very much."

"Of course it is impossible to welcome us," Gongzi Yu said in a low voice. "People who can recognize us will definitely not accept us, and people who don't know us can also feel that we are not kind."

Su Qiao smiled, walked through the crowd with Young Master Yu, and walked up to Song Ronger.

Song Rong'er saw them early in the morning. When she saw that Su Qiao's clothes were not the same as hers, she felt relieved. However, after a little happiness, she felt a strong sense of displeasure!

She actually dresses more luxuriously and more noblely than me, is she deliberately asking me to demonstrate!

Thinking this way in her heart, Song Rong'er, who was worried about this man and woman causing trouble, said to Su Qiao before she could speak, "I didn't expect you to come here uninvited. It really is a shameless person who is invincible."

Su Qiao smiled and said, "You're wrong. I'm here to do my best as an ex-wife, and to sincerely wish you well."


Song Rong'er had a delicate expression.

Su Qiao said: "Napoleon's favorite woman in his life is Empress Josephine. Even if he divorced Josephine and married the royal princess in the end, when he was dying, he still missed Empress Josephine in his heart."

"Napoleon is really infatuated," Song Rong'er heard her overtones and said, "but he and the princess are also—"

"He and Empress Josephine are in love, and his second wife is just an obligation," Su Qiao said, "Don't underestimate a woman's intuition, and don't underestimate a man's nostalgia. Whether it is Napoleon or Liu Xiu, the woman they love the most is It is a humble first wife, not a noble follower."

"What do you want to say? You want to say that he married you out of love and me out of obligation?"

Song Rong'er's voice was so cold that it could freeze the air.

The guests also understood the meaning at this time and were extremely shocked.

They never expected that Major General Gong's ex-wife would be so beautiful, connotative and noble, like a princess!It is completely inconsistent with the rumored shamelessness and shamelessness.

"No wonder such a sensible person as Major General Gong wants to marry home! I can't help but think..."

"If she has a family background not inferior to Miss Song, I'm afraid..."

"I heard that Major General Gong doesn't really want a divorce, it's because the woman doesn't like the attitude of the Gong family and took the initiative to break up..."


Among the crowd, there was talk of "insiders".

(End of this chapter)

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