I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 639 Slapping Face at the Engagement Banquet

Chapter 639 Slapping Face at the Engagement Banquet (7)

"Because I love him!"

Song Ronger said firmly, looked at everyone, and said: "I love him, and I don't mind any betrayal or harm he does to me! As long as he is tired and sleepy and willing to come back to me, I will be satisfied! Today's engagement It will never be canceled halfway! No matter when it gets dark or when I wait, I am willing to wait! I only want him!"

The guests were shocked.

In their impression, the daughter of the Song family is famously proud and cannot tolerate any humiliation!
But today, facing such an obvious slap in the face, she actually chose to compromise!
She lowered herself like dust, for a man who didn't love her, and took other women to the lounge to fuck around in public on the engagement day!
"What's the trouble!"

There was a touch of pity in the crowd, but Song Rong'er stubbornly stood at the top and refused to accept any pity.

She said: "I have paid countless prices, and finally have the opportunity to be engaged to him. I will never give up! Even if I die, I will die as Gong Yueming's wife!"

"younger sister!"

Song Mingzhe was in a hurry, Song Ronger's stubbornness was far beyond his imagination.

Song Rong'er took a deep breath and said to everyone present: "I will wait forever, no matter how long! I will consider him a man for the rest of my life!"

"Even if he never comes back?!"

In the crowd, someone asked provocatively.

Song Rong'er sneered and said, "Yes, even if he never comes again! I will always wait for him! Wait until it gets dark and wait until I die!"

"Then just keep waiting!"

Song Mingzhe couldn't bear it anymore and walked away.

Song Rong'er bit her rosy lips, holding back the tears of humiliation.

"...I will wait forever..." She choked up and said, "I am today's heroine, I am the eldest granddaughter-in-law scheduled by the Gong family...I...I..."

The guests couldn't stand it anymore, many shook their heads and left the venue, and some chose to stay and wait for her.

Madam Gong said to Song Rong'er while wiping her tears: "Don't worry, even if I risk my life, I won't let the slut enter the palace again! You will definitely become my daughter-in-law, and only you can become my daughter-in-law!"


Song Ronger leaned against Mrs. Gong and wept loudly.


Boom boom boom!
After three knocks, Gongzi Yu entered.

He leaned against the door, looked at the two people in the room, and said coldly: "They are already divorced, why are you still entangled? Do you think stealing my woman is exciting, or do you want the Song family and the Gong family to fight head-on?"

"The person I like is Qiaoqiao, not Song Ronger!"

Gong Yueming didn't wear any clothes, and just talked to Young Master Yu loudly.

Young Master Yu gave him a lot of attention and said, "You have a good physique. No wonder Qiaoqiao said you were chosen as the seed. If one day you are fired from the army and kicked out by the palace family, you can go to the Cowherd's shop to list!"

"Thank you for your kind words," Gong Yueming said, "I'm sure of my worth as a man!"

"It's a pity that no matter how rich a man is, he can't stop a woman's change of heart," Gongzi Yu said, "By the way, Song Rong'er is so infatuated with you, is it because she likes you as a man's capital?"


Gong Yueming's complexion changed drastically, and he said, "I have never done it with her! I haven't done it so far, and I will never do it in the future!"

"Don't be so absolute, a man can't control his lower body," Gongzi Yu said, "Besides, the marriage between the Gong family and the Song family is a political need, and they won't let you lie in the same bed with Song Rong'er and do nothing !"

(End of this chapter)

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