I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 648 Song Ronger's Counterattack

Chapter 648 Song Ronger's Counterattack (2)

Su Qiao came to the hospital.

Layers of guard protection made her scalp numb for a while, and it took a lot of effort to enter the inpatient area with the help of Adjutant Ni, walked to the ward, and said, "Can I go in now?"

"This one……"

Adjutant Ni asked the doctor: "Is it convenient for the old man to see guests now?"

"The old chief has just woken up, and he can meet with guests," said the doctor, "but his mood is not very stable, so don't use words to provoke him when we meet!"

"Of course."

Adjutant Ni led Su Qiao into the ward.

Gong Shouri just finished the examination, Su Qiao's face made him feel uncomfortable, he patted the bed frame and cursed: "Who told you to come here, get out!"

Su Qiao was surprised and said, "Didn't you ask me to come here?"

"How could I let you come over? I just want... just want to... Cough cough! Cough!"

The old man coughed anxiously, and Adjutant Ni hurried out to call for a doctor.

Su Qiao stayed in the ward either standing or sitting. Just as she was thinking about going out, Gong Shouri suddenly called her back and said, "Since you're here, don't rush away. Let's make things clear!"

"What else is there to say?" Su Qiao asked Gong Shouri back, "I'm not from a good family background, I'm not well educated, I can't compare to Song Rong'er in any way. I decided to divorce Gong Yueming because of a miscarriage, so you are all relieved. "

"You are wrong, I... I don't want you as a granddaughter-in-law, not because of your background or family education, because you are full of unclean things."

He propped up his body vigorously, and said: "I like to study horoscopes... I don't like your fate at a glance. If you don't die well, not only will you be in trouble for the rest of your life, and the girl will die early, but it will also drag down your family and partner."

"So you don't want me?" Su Qiao asked.

Gong Shouri said: "The Gong family has such a large family business and such a high status that there is no room for future generations to make mistakes. Any unlucky elements must be strangled before they sprout."

"I know."

Su Qiao doesn't believe in fate, but she knows that there are indeed some things that cannot be explained by science.

"It's good if you understand." Gong Shouri said, "I didn't mean to look down on you. I chose Song Rong'er not only because the Song family can become a political ally of the Gong family, but also because her life is very suitable for Canglang. The marriage of husband and wife is like a dragon following the clouds, like a tiger following the wind, and it will fly upwards with the wind for the rest of your life.”

"I understand, I won't make cheap posts to your palace family."

"Having this awareness is not enough. I want you to swear that you will never meet my grandson! Unless I die, or the sun rises from the west!"

Gong Shouri makes an outrageous request.

Su Qiao sighed, and said, "The feet are on his body, and he wants to come to see me, what can I do! To force me to swear, why not swear to your grandson, it will be more efficient."

"Good! Good! Well said!"

Gong Shouri smiled dryly, and said to the doctor at the door: "Let her go immediately, I don't want to see her again!"

The doctor said helplessly to Su Qiao: "Miss Mo, please go out first! The old man has a bad heart and can't stand stimulation."

"I can't stand the stimulation and come to me over and over again. Is this intentional touch!"

Su Qiao muttered and walked out of the ward.

This trip was so inexplicable and wronged.

Adjutant Ni also knew that the former young mistress had been wronged, and after a few instructions with the doctor, he quickly chased after her, saying, "I'm sorry, young madam, the old man is getting old, so it's inevitable that he will-"

"I didn't mean to be angry with him, I just felt that I came here for no reason."

Su Qiao said, and went downstairs with Adjutant Ni.

(End of this chapter)

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