I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 654 Excuse Her

Chapter 654 Excuse Her (2)

Gong Yueming sighed, and said: "Yes, I fell in love with her, not only because she is a woman raised by me, and not only because her words and deeds are like the shadow in my heart...even I love her. I don't even know why I like her, she doesn't look stunning, her IQ is worrying, and her personality is completely opposite to the wife I expected..."

"But you just fell in love with it. There is no reason or reason. You just like it, right?"

Gong Yueming didn't speak.

Gong Qianming said: "You don't have to feel ashamed, no matter how profound a scholar is, he will look like a child in front of love, not to mention you are a guy with a negative EQ."

"You hurt people, but you are really poisonous!"

Gong Yueming changed the subject and said, "How do you plan to contact the Long family, through that baby-faced killer?"

"how do you know?!"

Gong Qianming was surprised.

Gong Yueming said: "Not only do I know that you plan to contact Babyface, but I also know that you will have a friendship with him while contacting him. Although you have countless girlfriends who are flirtatious and flirtatious, you have never been serious in your bones." loved until he showed up."

"...you...what do you mean! Suspect that I like men!"

Gong Qianming was like a cat whose tail was stepped on by someone, and his whole body exploded.

Gong Yueming said: "Look, don't call yourself!"

Gong Qianming was immediately discouraged.


Long Nan hummed a ditty and came to the bar. After looking around, he sat next to a muscular man.

Just as he was looking for an opportunity to strike up a conversation with a man, he suddenly felt a tightness behind him, turned around, and saw Gong Qianming's husband who seemed to have caught his wife stealing at the scene, with a distorted smile on his face: "You look very moist."

Long Nan stuck out her tongue and pretended to be cute and said, "I managed to get a vacation, so of course I have to do something to make myself happy!"

Gong Qianming said: "Your vacation is officially over from now on!"


Long Nan asked Gong Qianming back.

"My father passed away. Yesterday, in the hospital, he died suddenly due to cardiac arrest," Gong Qianming said in a word. "The last person he saw before he died was Qiaoqiao!"

"What did you say!"

Long Nan was upset for a while.

Gong Qianming said: "The Gong family thinks that Qiaoqiao is mad at the old man, and wants Qiaoqiao to take full responsibility for the old man's death!"


Long Nan was so angry that he almost exploded.

Gong Qianming said: "But everyone in the Gong family believes that this is true."

"Where is Gong Yueming? Does he believe it too!"

Long Nan's voice was not in a good mood.

Gong Qianming said: "He believes that Qiaoqiao is innocent, but everyone else thinks that Qiaoqiao caused the old man's death. Now Qiaoqiao is being detained by them. Because I am entangled with you, I am required to see her only once a day... ..."

"Fuck, the Gong family is going to shake the sky! How dare you treat the eldest lady of the dragon group like this!"

"I'm sorry, in the eyes of the Gong family, the dragon group is not something that cannot be provoked."

He was very dissatisfied with his family, but Gong Qianming still didn't like being evaluated by Long Nan in this tone.

"Can't you provoke me?"

Long Nan hooked Gong Qianming's shoulder with a smile, and said, "But we must provoke him!"

"That depends on how capable you are." Gong Qianming said, "I have already completed the matter of tipping off the news, and what to do next is entirely up to you."

"...It's all up to us? Are you going to pat your ass and run away?!"

Long Nan suddenly became angry.

Gong Qianming said: "Do I have to stop to help you deal with my family?!"

"...At least you should help us," Long Nan said, "provide the minimum information!"

(End of this chapter)

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